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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I brought Panda November 11 for my daughter. I drove Panda while Candace was out on a business trip. The 158 miles drive was on Panda. Candace did not program the name "panda" in EnTune. I brought Dolphin January 4. I program the name Dolphin in EnTune. Dolphin was once ranked 2nd, another...
  2. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Waidy has two properties: very old and unemployed. When you are old and unemployed for over 12 years, you will probably drive like Waidy.
  3. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I posted the following at BayLEAF group in facebook on Dec 27, 2012: Today.. on Panda (nick name for the '12 Rav4EV), 158 miles (95% freeway miles) all in one charge. Start from Los Altos Hills to San Francisco, then to Santa Cruz, end point De Monte Shopping Center, Monterey. Average 65+mph...
  4. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I am in complete lost when I drive the S because there is no "N" or at least I haven't found it. Therefore, if I drive the S enough, my habit of using N might go away :-)
  5. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    This has become my driving habit since the acquisition of my 2002 Rav4EV.
  6. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Nop, I really mean "N", The trick is to catch the kinetic energy and "momentum" . I use "B" as well, but only when I know I am approaching a stop sign and stop signal. The best miles/kWh I got for the Rav4EV is 6.2miles/kWh, the worst I got my Rav4EV is 2.7miles/kWh (that's when my son drives...
  7. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I mean "000 kWh" or "MWh" on my annual numbers; for example, I was 14.5MWh (or 14,500 kWh) positive on my last yearly tune-up, I got a check ~$450 (can't remember the exact dollar) from PG&E.
  8. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Usually, if your employer provide EV charging, you should estimate 50%-70% of your charging at home. In another words, your 5MWh/yr estimate of EV charging is more then sufficient, if you charge your EV at work.
  9. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Sorry that I sound like a broken record. I neglect to answer one of your question. According to my TED (The Energy Detector), my EV charging at home in the past 12 months is 4946 kWh.
  10. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I feel like I should give more explanation because I don't want you guys/gals to think I am a power-hogger. I have 3 buildings on my property. The main house is 3 times bigger than TeCKis300's; and it has a server room, and hydraulic room, etc. etc. etc., So, please think of me as a...
  11. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    My production is around 43MWh/year, my PG&E yearly tune-up said I gave back 14.5MWh. Therefore, my consumption is 28.5MWh/yr. I don't use gas in my house, everything is powered by no-fossil-electricity (even my heat pump and water heater). Because I am a net energy producer, I never have a...
  12. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Don't laugh (although I know you are laughing..): I watch the power meter (left on the dash board) when I drive. I try not to get it to exceed ~33% when I accelerate. Also, I put the gear in N a lot, especially when I am going downhill and on the freeway
  13. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Here is my miles/kWh (your milage may varies): 2002 Rav4EV 4.6 miles/kWh, 126,346 miles driven in original battery pack, range is 100-120 miles (yes, in a 10 years old 27.4 kWh NiMH battery pack) 2012 Rav4EV 5.1 miles/kWh 2011 LEAF 5.7 miles/kWh 2012 Model S 3.1 miles/kWh [part of the reason...
  14. W

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I have a 25kW system with battery backup. I have 3 EVs. I get money back from PG&E on yearly tune-up (I produce more than I consume). Here is the details of my PV system with battery backup (includes spec and wiring diagram).
  15. W

    Datalogging EV-CAN Bus Information through OBDII

    According to Phil, there is an ethernet port on the box in the trunk. Conveniently, there is a power outlet (cigarette lighter right there). I would think the best way to do a gidometer is to add a router with wireless capability via the ethernet port to the box. Then add a wireless display...
  16. W

    With current price incentives December sales may be better

    Here is the fine print for Toyota's $2500 incentive. I don't know how to attach the form so I cut and paste it. ---------- 1Incentive Terms and Conditions: Incentive may be subject to income tax. Consumer is responsible for all applicable taxes. Customer must purchase or lease and take delivery...
  17. W

    With current price incentives December sales may be better

    I do own a 2002 Rav4-EV since April 2, 2002.
  18. W

    With current price incentives December sales may be better

    I brought a 2nd '12 Rav4EV yesterday because of Toyota's $7500 incentive. I haven't gotten the $2500 check from the purchase of my first '12 Rav4EV yet. I am just about to mail out my 2nd $2500 application. I looked at the form word by word, there is not a mention that you have to be a owner...
  19. W

    Scheduled charging with upgraded evse

    My Rav4-EV does not have "start time" programing. It only has "departure time" (that is end time) programing. Would it be possible that you were programing end time instead of start time?
  20. W

    A list of suggestions for Toyota

    My list is as follow: 1. Display true SOC. The range bars displays 16 bars whether it's charged in the normal or extended mode. It does not show the SOC of the battery pack. 2. Heated windshield. 3. Rain sensing wipers. 4. Heat Pump heating to improve efficiency. 5. Prespective view...