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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. J

    Car won't charge / Gateway ECU / Firmware Update

    Anyone keeping track of how many Gateway ECU's have been replaced by forum members so far? I would be curious to know the ratio of members to replacements.
  2. J

    The first 1078 miles, what we like and don't like, so far.

    I don't use B mode at all on the RAV, but I love driving in L with the Volt. I don't find B that useful, and the car is such a lightfooted sprinter that I hate to hold it back:) As a nod to my greener side, I don't always drive in sport mode, but I would if my wife would let me. How does L on...
  3. J

    Out of State service

    Doug, thanks for the details of your conversation. Every bit of info is valuable.
  4. J

    Buying a Hybrid; Volt, Plug-In Prius, etc

    With State Farm my Volt and RAV insurance are essentially the same. Volt is lease, RAV was purchase.
  5. J

    "Half" a firmware update?

    It's a poor comparison to buying a black market phone. We didn't buy the car from a shady guy in a mall kiosk or from ebay, we bought it from a reputable, fully-vetted, factory-approved dealer. We bought the cars with Toyota's knowledge and they gladly took our money to clear the lots of these...
  6. J

    "Half" a firmware update?

    Thanks for the update, Gainer. I've been crossing my fingers with ours, hoping the Gateway ECU issue doesn't occur. I'm not terribly far from the closest dealer (Palm Springs, 250 mi.), but not excited about spending $ to flatbed it for repair work or updates. My closest dealer did a 5,000 mi...
  7. J

    Buying a Hybrid; Volt, Plug-In Prius, etc

    Volt is good, solid car, like a big block of lead with wheels. Drives like an '85 Lincoln and survives a crash like one, too (acquaintance of mine was t-boned on driver's side at 45 mph and walked away unscathed). After 12k miles, I finally realized that I actually like mine, and due to the...
  8. J

    Check EV System warning message

    This is absolutely a recall. It is a serious safety issue if cars are dying at full speed on the highway, and Toyota shouldn't wait for someone to get killed before they fix this. My wife drives on busy highways every day for work and I'm genuinely worried now, as the Gateway ECU seems like a...
  9. J

    Check EV System warning message

    A month is not acceptable. They should be pulling these off the new cars on lots and freezing production until they fix what looks to be a recall issue. Not cool, Toyota.
  10. J

    Check EV System warning message
  11. J

    Check EV System warning message

    I hope all of you have filed a report with NHTSA about the Gateway ECU problem. That's the quickest way to get all of them recalled, and it sounds like it's a ticking time bomb in every car at this point. I'm sorry to hear it is taking them so long.
  12. J

    Highest mileage Rav4 out there ?

    We are at 13k mi, on track for about 15k/year.
  13. J

    Check EV System warning message

    A Yaris in exchange for a RAV? Just another reason to get a Tesla. My friend's roadster needed repair this week and the Tesla service center brought him a P85+ for the day. At least they could have given you a Prius.
  14. J

    Car won't charge / Gateway ECU / Firmware Update

    It does seem like the more important factor in servicing the RAV would be proximity to a Tesla service center since it appears Tesla does all the work on their part of the car. I would happily pay for a cable to do the firmware updates, since that seems to be the extent of Toyota's capability...
  15. J

    They want to kill the EV with Hydrogen cars

    Hypocrite? Hardly, just being realistic as I remember the hydrogen promises of the past 15 years. 10 stations and 24 Honda FCX Clarity's do not a revolution make. Are there enough folks willing to pay $499 to lease 1000 FC Hyundais? The cost of a FC car would still be $50-100k because of the...
  16. J

    They want to kill the EV with Hydrogen cars

    But free fueling, they say! The only catch is that there are only 10 stations in the entire country right now, so good luck.
  17. J

    Rav4EV Driving Tips & Suggestions

    One of my biggest complaints with the RAV is the inability to do one-pedal driving. I really learned to love driving the Volt in L, which gives very heavy regen. The B mode in the RAV is weak sauce and not significant enough to bother.
  18. J

    Dealers who will service the RAV4EV not in CA

    The best course of action for out-of-state folks now would probably be a used RAV. I just did a quick search on and found one with 5k mikes for $30k. Without CA incentives, that's hard to beat. With such low demand and general ignorance about the car's existence, those prices are...
  19. J

    Need Rav4 EV for display, Oct 17, 11am-1pm, Chandler, AZ

    I can probably do it. What's it for? I ran into another RAV4 EV last weekend at the plug-in day event, but it was a Toyota engineer from the testing grounds, showing off a beta car. He designed and tweaked the suspension.