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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Thanks for that. Nice charge mods. I like the first one since its so colorful :). I had forgotten the RAV4 EV had that tesla power train in it... I would not even have thought the quality was much higher over the nissan leaf. Is tesla right now THE highest quality EV producer at this time? I believe the last model to be out for the RAV4 EV was the 2014 model and no 2015? I'd rather get a 2015 used if there is one out there. Should I look at the manufactured date on the rav4 EV when looking? Driver door perhaps?

I think Nissan was a little sneaky with the way it displayed the battery %. I was shocked to find out the first bar was worth about 2 bars or more in reality. I like that the RAV has a bigger battery pack which holds more juice. At least going off EPA that is 29  miles extra. Leaf 24kw = 84 miles   RAV4  41.8kw = 113 miles.

Is the power train on the RAV4 EV from the Tesla Roadster? I wish toyota had not gotten angry and stayed with Tesla. Perhaps even work up a deal to let RAVs charge at the Tesla super charger.... Though probably not possible since if it has the roadster power train the tech in it just wouldn't let it at least from what I read online.

Does the RAV4 EV come with tinted windows? Since you have a leaf and a rav4 ev can you let me know just how much extra space you think the rav4 ev has over the leaf? I'm in need of extra space and at least from the 'cargo room' specs it sounds like it has more than double the space inside but is only a few inches bigger than the leaf. Is it just arrangement inside? I saw the rav4 ev a while back, but I don't recall exactly just how spacious it is.
