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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Grumpy? No I just have seen plenty of these products that are not shipping but just looking to raise money to build or tool which shows they are not ready for market.  Regardless of how it connects it would need to be very well built to be reliable and durable and even a $1500 unit seem  low cost for a launch. Additionally, how practical is it to have a big lump on the garage floor you can trip over? The car also needs to be relatively close to the unit restricting parking options for some to a specific area.  To me plugging in is not that difficult and better than something that would get in the way and could break down .  I don't see these devices to be practical for mass use unless they are flush mounted and very reliable. Since it is not a proven or available product at this point then it's a neat concept not a neat product available to purchase and it sounds like they may be testing prototypes not production units.  UL listing this will be quite an expensive task as well because it needs to meet a variant of the EVSE standards plus it resides on the floor.  Good luck to them as it's a costly product and they should be charging more as it will be for a select market that would pay more if it worked reliably.
