Nice idea, but unfortunately the cold cruel light of day throws in some roadblocks :twisted:
1. To add another EVSE for the Volt, I would have to add at least 30A capability. My wiring to the 2nd meter is rated for the 50A load required by my 40A EVSE, I don't think it can handle 80A.
2. Since it is a 2nd meter, I would have to get PG&E back to wire the new 80A box to my input wires (which are as thick as my index finger). It was quite a production when they did it the first time. They cut power to my house for most of a day until the work was completed.
3. Did I say 80A box? My current box is configured for a single 50A breaker. I would need a new box that can handle two breakers.
4. Where can I put the new EVSE? I would have to run conduit to the other side of the garage as there is no room available next to my current Leviton 40A unit.
5. All this adds up to mucho moolah to get around the minor inconvenience of getting up early once a week :lol:
I am sad to report that my first weeks trial was unsuccessful. By Thursday evening I had less than 30 miles left on the GOM and about 4-5 bars. As it has been mentioned, it isn't good to over discharge the battery, so I did charge on Thursday night. I will give it one more trial this coming week and see what happens.
Actually I blame this failure on Tony as he jinxed everything by referring to Bakersfield's heat
. This past week was quite cold with morning temps in the 50's. This probably contributed to a reduced overall range.