Sign to ask not to unplug

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Well-known member
May 18, 2014
Ithaca, NY
jimbo69ny said:

I hope I'm wrong, but it appears that your "don't unplug me" note is designed for places that you plugged in without permission.

How else would this be an issue?
Why did you post this in a new thread?

Yes I made a few of these a long time ago and put them on ebay. I only have one left. I had plans to redesign them and change the wording but they didnt sell fast enough to really make it worth my time.

I made them because I would charge my PIP at state parks and a couple times I was unplugged. I made this sign and it never happened again. With my PIP the maximum it will charge is 3kwh if its empty. In my area electricity is only $.11/kwh. So if I am empty it would cost the state of NY $.33. I pay an @$$ load in taxes to NY State and $.33 per month is nothing.

I think the ones unplugging me were just inexperienced people who dont understand EV's. There is a common misconception that EV's are expensive and consume gobs of power. I think part of this is the negative connotation that people have towards electric hot water tanks and electric heating. For years we have been taught that those are very expensive ways to heat and I think that negative connotation has carried over to EV's. That is the reason I made the sign, to educate, not to steal.
Yes but the uneducated non ev user or ev folower is going to care, or even look for a window sticker. Nothing works as good as an old fashioned sign.
I am sorry, but i totally do not agree with just plugging in anywhere you want without permission. state park or not, its just not the right thing to do. I am very educated and would probably unplug you.

Why should the state park system pay for your electricity ? its selfish.
Thank you very much for your $.02 on a topic that I did not intend to bring up. Tony posted this thread for some reason based on one post I had in another thread.

I know people dont believe in randomly charging wherever you want. I agree, it makes us look like greedy bastards but that is partly because people dont understand the technology and they dont know how little the electric is actually costing. Regardless there are still people that will do it and I made this sign so the uneducated would understand that my prius was consuming $.33 of electricity max and no possibility of consuming anymore. To me thats worth potentially saving lives by using home grown power instead of fighting over oil.

I pay close to $8,000 for each of my houses (i have 3) to the state, county, city and town every year. Me getting $.11 - $.33 for plugging my PIP into a 110 outlet at a state park is no big deal.

I made 6 of these signs initially. I kept a couple that I have since lost and I have one left. You dont need to bust my balls or throw an ethics book at me because I really could care less.
jimbo69ny said:
I pay close to $8,000 for each of my houses (i have 3) to the state, county, city and town every year. Me getting $.11 - $.33 for plugging my PIP into a 110 outlet at a state park is no big deal.

I don't understand the Logic in your reasoning.
Since you pay real estate tax you are "entitled" to free charging ?

And I agree with the other person:
never plugin without permission in advance

Oh btw:
What does your "love" for the military have to do with charging your car ?
Another (imho) illogical thing
jimbo69ny said:
Tony please delete this thread.

You respond in this thread, and when people respond to that, you rather have this thread deleted ?!
We are not going to delete the thread for several reasons:

1) we don't delete threads because somebody doesn't like the message

2) I think there's something to be learned here

3) no forum terms of service have been breached

A Note on Moderation:

I have only deleted / banned posts for duplications, or usually selling something (usually a poster with one or two total posts, and they get blocked IP address and deleted user name):

Posts are deleted for:

1) Commercial advertising

2) Religion

3) Politics

4) Sex

5) Personal attacks

6) Profanity

7) Spamming


We have enjoyed a very peaceful existence on this forum as a result. It's not this nice on other forums that I have moderated.
Tony you posted a thread in my name with something I didnt care to share or debate. You think thats fair?
jimbo69ny said:
Tony you posted a thread in my name with something I didnt care to share or debate. You think thats fair?


I moderate the forum. I neither edited, nor modified your post in any way. It is split off from a topic where it clearly did not apply AFTER YOU MADE THIS POST.

I split and merge threads regularly. This is neither new, nor unusual. If you don't want your name attached to posts, either DONT MAKE POSTS or DELETE THE POSTS THAT YOU MADE.
Yes I made the post, INSIDE OF ANOTHER THREAD. I didnt ask to be the center of attention nor did I feel like creating this thread, THAT YOU MADE UNDER MY NAME, was necessary. I was not interested in soliciting a piece of laminated paper that I made in 2012, to the Rav community.

Then when I asked you kindly to take it down you go on a rant about how it doesnt violate any forum rules and you refused to take the thread down! Are YOU kidding ME Tony?

As I said in my very first PM to you tonight Tony, and I quote.
"Tony please delete this thread. I appreciate all of your hard work and I very much appreciate your assistance with all of my questions but I have no idea why you made this a thread.

I am not interested in defending my actions of making a couple signs that I sold for $3. I dont feel like defending my actions of printing this form. It is not worth my time and I really dont even care about debating the ethics of something I did a couple times.

Please dont post threads in my name."
End of PM

I realize I am the one coming off like a whiny baby right now but you cant go around posting threads in someone elses name, instigating a debate like you did in post #2, and refusing to take down the thread when I asked you politely.

You go on to say this in another PM, and I quote:
"Well... I don't post threads in "your name"... You do, and under the terms of agreement, I moderate the forum.

So, there won't be a set of rules for you and a different set for everybody else.

If you want to delete your own posts, you can.

End of pm

But create a thread in my name is exactly what you did Tony! I am not ashamed of what I made and placed on ebay, I am also not ashamed of plugging in at a state park. I shouldn't have to delete my posts and I am not going to because I am not ashamed of anything I did.

It really sucks that I look like the bad guy here but I feel like it needs to be said. I love this forum and I express my appreciation to everyone who has helped me along the way. I have posted a million questions and I have received so many positive and constructive answers. I really like being a part of the myrav4ev community. I check this forum literally every day for new info. If you want to ban me for speaking the truth thats your prerogative. But dont throw mud in my face and call it Chocolate Tony.
jimbo69ny said:
I am not interested in defending my actions of making a couple signs that I sold for $3.

But yet today you actually wrote a _new_ followup doing exactly that (defending it).

jimbo69ny said:
If you want to ban me for speaking the truth thats your prerogative. But dont throw mud in my face and call it Chocolate Tony.

Tony never even threatened you with a ban.

The only time the word BAN was used in this whole thread was in the sentence
TonyWilliams said:
I have only deleted / banned posts for duplications, or usually selling something (usually a poster with one or two total posts, and they get blocked IP address and deleted user name):

I really think you are getting way to upset about something that isn't even there.
Relax, take your rav4ev for a spin ;-)
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