Should I buy Rav4 EV or Nissan NV200?

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2015
Hi guys,

I am debating on what to buy. My options are the 2014 nv200 from nissan or the 2014 rav4 ev. Both will serve my needs well. Right now the nv200 has a 100k miles 5yr bumper to bumper & power train warranty included into the price and the mpgs aren't too bad for it either @ 25 mpg combined after a recent revision to its cvt transmission. So here are the numbers as I'm trying to figure out total cost of ownership (Insurance cost not included) and expected depreciation.

2014 rav4 ev
(Cost of Rav4 EV NEW)50,660-10,000(TaxRebate+StateRebate)=$40,660
40,660+749.00(EXT warranty 100k/6yrs to match Nissan's 5yr/100k)=$41,409
41,409-26,000(Cur Price for 2014 Rav4 EV)=15,409 <-- Depreciation loss so far in 2 years (2014-2016)
15,409/2(Years)=7,704.5 (Lost per Year)

7,704.5 1st year of ownership 7,704.5 2nd 7,704.5 <--- Possibly 3rd year depreciation loss? (2017)

2014 nv200 SV Trim 21,760+885(Delivery Charge)=22,645
22,645-16,000(Cost for a 2014 used NV200)=6,645 <-- Depreciation loss so far in 2 years (2014-2016)
6,645+3,400(Expected Gasoline $ Lost per Year)=10,045 (14400 Miles driven/25MPG*$3 Per Gallon of gas=1700*2 years)
10,045/2(Years)=5,022.5 (Lost per Year)

5,022.5 1st year of ownership 5,022.5 2nd 5,022.5 <--- Possibly 3rd year depreciation loss? (2017)

I didn't put any electricity cost to the rav since I could charge it for free @ public chargers. If I were to add Jdemo that would add to the ownership cost :(. So it isn't looking too good for the rav4 ev at least from what I can see. Granted the rav4 ev has its perks being electric and nice electric comforts. I'm not sure what to do since both vehicles have their ups and down. Both will work fine for my cargo needs though. I just am not sure what to pick. The included warranty on the NV200 is pretty nice. The rav4 ev will take a long time to charge back up on the lv2 charger with out Jdemo :(. Gas pump is just pump and go so its a big convenience though I hate the fumes. I wish the e-nv200 was here already :(
I will not comment on the equivalence of the two vehicles, but I find it a strange comparison.

I will say that I would much rather pay for electricity at home and have a full EV every morning than charge on free public chargers. The only thing better is guaranteed charging for free at work every day plus home charging on the weekends.
cashcow said:
Hi guys,

I am debating on what to buy.

rav4 ev
(Cost of Rav4 EV NEW)50,660-10,000(TaxRebate+StateRebate)=$40,660
40,660+749.00(EXT warranty 100k/6yrs to match Nissan's 5yr/100k)=$41,409
41,409-26,000(Cur Price for 2014 Rav4 EV)=15,409 <-- Depreciation loss so far in 2 years (2014-2016)
15,409/2(Years)=7,704.5 (Lost per Year)

7,704.5 1st year of ownership 7,704.5 2nd 7,704.5 <--- Possibly 3rd year depreciation loss? (2017)

You cannot buy a new RAV4-EV

More like $25,000 to $30,000 used.
I know we can't buy a new one I just used its brand new price as a point reference to its current used sale value. The difference I see as depreciation.

The 25k ravs are a little harder to find and usually have higher millage :( I did see one with 19k miles for 25,900 but I wasn't ready to buy it....

Hi Tony!

Sorry for the odd comparison. The rav4 ev is currently the biggest EV for sale in the market (With out costing an arm and a leg since I know of an electrified Ram Promaster) The Tesla MX is also pretty big but the cost of it and no pre-owned option (Not even MS CPO on sale right now) makes it out of my budget. If there were other larger affordable EV I would have certainly compared them! I wished the e-nv200 was here already :(.

What weight are you hauling? - Really not much. Likely around 200-300 pounds. I could say about 400lbs at the most, but I don't think it will be that heavy. It will be just random small items.

How many deliveries per day? I'm essentially hauling this all day since the locations of travel vary, but it isn't a lot of driving either.

How many miles per month? It will be a minimum of 1200 miles per month or 40 miles per day. It tends to increase at times so I would say no more than around 1500 miles to 1800 miles per month.

Any passengers? Yes 1 more passenger :) about 140 lbs in weight.

Is this purely a business purchase? I'm not entirely sure yet. I think that as a business purchase it has some tax deductible options? I don't work for a company (Entrepreneur).
Would you have available overnight L2 charging at home? I would not buy an EV unless you do.

40 miles per day on single charge is easy in RAV4-EV. 120 miles is easy for that matter.
Hi there,

No unfortunately I don't have any home or work charging. I CURRENTLY own a nissan leaf for 1 yr now but the space issue is not enough and I need to upgrade. I use Chademo a lot. I think it will be difficult with the rav4 ev and the slower charger, but adding Jdemo just increases the cost difference more between the nv200 :(. If I had over night charging at home it would be a breeze to charge that baby !
cashcow said:
Hi there,

No unfortunately I don't have any home or work charging. I CURRENTLY own a nissan leaf for 1 yr now but the space issue is not enough and I need to upgrade. I use Chademo a lot. I think it will be difficult with the rav4 ev and the slower charger, but adding Jdemo just increases the cost difference more between the nv200 :(. If I had over night charging at home it would be a breeze to charge that baby !

If you use CHAdeMO a lot already, and you don't have home charging, then you absolutely need JdeMO on the RAV4 EV:

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