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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Just figured this out today some of you probably already know how to do it but while searching the forums I could not find the directions. To leave your Rav4 EV with all doors locked and the vehicle in 'Ready On' + keeping the key fobs in your pockets follow these instructions:

Step 1. Turn on your Rav4 EV.

Step 2. Lower Driver Side Window all the way down.

Step 3. Close all Doors.

Step 4. Go to Driver Door, stick your arm inside, and press the Manual Lock Button. All doors are locked now.

Step 5. Press the window Up Button (For Driver Side) all the way so it auto rolls up shut.

Step 6. Get your freaking arm out of there before it gets cut off !!!

Step 7. ???

Step 8. Profit. All doors and windows are locked.

Step 9. ...Doors won't open even when pressing the unlock button on the key fob?....

Step 10. Panic!

Step 11. Take out physical Key from Keyfob. Insert it in the Rav4 EV's key hole and open the driver door.

Step 12. Congratulations! You now have access to your RAV4 EV again!

Moral of the story: Don't do this and leave your Key Fobs inside specially the physical key :(. Toyota gets angry if you do this and won't let you gain access to your RAV4 EV again!

So there you go. Now you can leave your RAV4 EV on with the AC on (Haven't tested it, but you should be able to leave it on with the A/C this way).

Bonus Steps for full Stealth Mode:

Bonus Step 1: So no one notices your RAV4 EV is on cut out a black piece of cardboard into the shape of the instrument panel. When you leave be sure to slide it on top of the instrument panel so it looks to be 'Off'.

Bonus Step 2: Turn off the big navigation screen by pressing and holding that little button right below it. It will turn the screen off.

Bonus Step 3: I don't know how to turn off the little screen below the larger navigation screen, but you can either hang a large towel down to cover both screens (use something as paper weight on top) or cut out a shape for this screen too and someone make it stay on it. Its simpler to just hang a towel :). If anyone knows how to turn this little screen off please share!
