I will be taking delivery of my new RAV4EV this coming weekend and the next major decision at hand is to decide on a changer.
At this point, my top 3 considerations are the following in no particular order:
1) Leviton Evr-Green 7.7Kw $1055 on Amazon
2) AeroVironment 7.2Kw $1049 on Amazon
3) Leviton/RAV4 EVB40-SPT 9.6Kw $1590 or greater installed directly from Leviton
[EDIT]Turns out the Leviton 40amp can be ordered directly for $1235 - http://toyota.leviton.com/solutions/rav4ev/select [/EDIT]
Obviously, the Leviton/RAV4 specific charger is a no brainer but at a significant premium. Possibly even a larger premium once all said and done as I believe it requires profession installation directly from Leviton.
So I'm convincing myself I can live with choice #1 or #2. Both 1 and 2 have 25' cords and are a wash in price. And they plug into a 240v service which I already have in my garage for my welder. #1 has a slightly higher charge rate. #2 has slightly better portability for the off chance I may take it with me.
So my question is, am I making a shortsighted choice going for a slower rate charger relative to the Leviton specific 40amp 9.6 Kw changer? For those of you that have perhaps lived with an EV vehicle for some time, do you find that the incrementally faster charge rate is critical? I'm talking myself towards the Leviton 7.7Kw #1 choice at the moment.
Is there other considerations I'm missing like user friendliness, charge head durability, charging cable stiffness, etc., that you recommend I should weigh as I'm making my choice? Or perhaps another standout unit out there that I should consider?