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  1. M

    The "Henry" method of charging the RAV4

    Jimbo: Nice idea, but unfortunately the cold cruel light of day throws in some roadblocks :twisted: 1. To add another EVSE for the Volt, I would have to add at least 30A capability. My wiring to the 2nd meter is rated for the 50A load required by my 40A EVSE, I don't think it can handle...
  2. M

    Adventure with JdeMO in LA or seen one CHAdeMO seen them all

    I am aware of the problems with billing from NRG, that is one of the reasons I asked the question. Unfortunately, a large number of the CHAdeMO stations in the LA area are run by them. After getting my JdeMO from Tony, NRG is the most convenient supplier of energy. I originally used their...
  3. M

    Adventure with JdeMO in LA or seen one CHAdeMO seen them all

    Not 2.5 hours, 2 x 30 minutes. My battery was almost empty, only one bar out of 16 remaining and 6 miles on the GOM. The first 30 minutes got me to about a 65% charge, so I decided for a 2nd 30 minutes and to finish the Korean BBQ. Thanks for the other advice. I'll try that next time if she...
  4. M

    The "Henry" method of charging the RAV4

    I have a separate meter for my EV's using PG&E's EV-B rate. When I installed the meter, there was a substantial difference between the E9-A rate and the E9-B rate. That difference has essentially disappeared. The EV-B rate at night is still less than my house rate.
  5. M

    The "Henry" method of charging the RAV4

    Heat? What's that? :D The temperature was in the high 40's last night and the low 50's this morning :o Thanks for the advice.
  6. M

    The "Henry" method of charging the RAV4

    The Henry rifle of 1860 ( was a 16 shot repeater that was so unique that people called it the "Rifle that you loaded on Sunday and shot all week". It is a direct ancestor of the Winchester '73, the "Gun that won the West". What has this to do with...
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    Adventure with JdeMO in LA or seen one CHAdeMO seen them all

    I chose to charge at this site as it is near the limit of how far I can drive on a full charge from home. I arrive with <20 miles to spare on my GOM, and I don't want to risk arriving at a charger further south and finding that it is out of service. If I can't charge at this Gelson's, there...
  8. M

    Adventure with JdeMO in LA or seen one CHAdeMO seen them all

    This past Saturday I took a road trip to Gardena from my home in Bakersfield, hoping to impress my wife with the new capabilities of my RAV4 now that it has a JdeMO. The total trip was 273 miles with stops in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Beverly Hills, Gardena, and Santa Clarita. My first stop was...
  9. M

    New L3 DC Fast Charger CCS only in King City-No CHADEMO

    According to a previous thread (which you quoted), the BMW/VW chargers would do both CCS and CHAdeMO.
  10. M

    New L3 DC Fast Charger CCS only in King City-No CHADEMO

    Is there any way to complain to ChargePoint or Keefers about this? They should be told that there are many more CHAdeMO capable BEV's out there than CCS cars.
  11. M

    Additional quick chargers coming to the California Bay Area

    What is glaringly missing from that map is the complete lack of DCFC along I-5. According to Plugshare, there are none on I-5 from the level of Merced to Sacramento. In fact, I cannot find any along I-5 from LA to Sacramento. Some of us live south of the Bay Area, and I-5 is much more...
  12. M

    Orange County, CA: Solar Decathlon 2015 at the OC Great Park

    I'd love to come, and I can make it now that I have JdeMO :D with only one stop to charge on the way (only 150 miles one-way) Unfortunately I'll be out of town that weekend, and I am on call this coming weekend :( Have a great time
  13. M


    We must have purchased our RAV4's at the same time. I have vin #1086. I also just received the e-mail from Toyota and can ask the same questions. The only times I have seriously used Entune was when I forgot where I parked my car in the Costco lot :D . I have LoJack so I don't need Entune...
  14. M

    P.G.&E. finally hit me with EV-B

    We've know since last year that the E9 rates from P.G.&E. were going to be replaced by the EV rates, but P.G.&E. promised to give us some warning as to when the changeover would take place. Yesterday I got a letter that essentially said "Congratulations, we converted you to EV-B as of September...
  15. M

    Roof molding flying off

    Mine was partially ripped off by a drive-thru car was once. I pressed it back into place and it has survived several washes since.
  16. M

    New Recall: Windshield wiper link corrosion

    How soon will this recall be available? I am taking my RAV4 in to Carson tomorrow morning for its 20,000 mi checkup and for Tony's Jdemo installation. Since this applies to all RAV4s not just the EV's, can it be performed by a local non-EV dealer?
  17. M

    Petition to Costco to install chargers

    I was on Maui last week, and the Costco in Kahului (near the airport) has installed a single L2 charger. According to a worker, it was installed in February. The first time I was there, the spot was vacant (quite an achievement as the lot was packed). I almost pulled in until I realized that...
  18. M

    A new RAV4 hybrid?

    I am in Japan, and while perusing the weather channel (there is quite a monsoon attacking Tokyo), an ad for a limited edition RAV4 diesel hybrid popped up. The ad is in French which is strange as all of the other ads that appeared were in either English or Japanese. It seems to be a limited...
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    Petition to Costco to install chargers

    I came across this petition on the Leaf Forum: Many years ago, Costco made a proactive decision to provide electric vehicle charging for their members at 90 locations across the United States. Unfortunately due to politics and the lack of manufacturer support, the stations went unused and...
  20. M

    Next Bakersfield EV Owners meeting June 20th

    Just a reminder of our meeting next Saturday at the Golden Corral, 5001 Ming Avenue Bakersfield at 9:30am. We will have many famous guests including Tony, GlennD and JasonA. All forum members are invited, especially those in the San Joaquin Valley and Northern LA county. There is a Nissan DCFC...