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  1. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    @alflash @asavage Yay ! I got the heater to heat up when I lowered the external resistance to around 333ohm ! I dont know if it is safe though. I measured current draw going through the resistor and draw was fluctuating between 10mA and 30mA. @alflash Do you know if the heater control signal...
  2. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Sorry, please ignore this question. I got the answer. Should we try with a resistance lower than 2Kohm? May be 1Kohm? Or should I try using a potentiometer and gradually lower the external resistance till the the peak of pwm increases?
  3. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    It's 1.98K. Yes, probes are connected to it. Should we go even lower on the resistance in the next test? My earlier question was if we should connect the pwr to positive terminal to rule out the possibility that ecu isn't able to supply enough current to pwr, but given pwr doesn't see a...
  4. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Is there any value in testing by connecting pwr directly to 12v battery positive terminal. That is another difference compared to the simulator.
  5. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Same behavior as earlier, although the amplitude is a bit higher.!AoMSicNQxi7y5y2rIktK4-8Ykyym
  6. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    I think you forgot to link the photo? I didnt fully understand your question, but here are some details that may be helpful. Details of the NE555 board: Resistances: VCC to GND - 1.5K VCC...
  7. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Correct, I did not disconnect the resistor when I connected d15
  8. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Before connecting d15 After connecting d15 Video showing this
  9. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    This was it. Control signal appears only when pump wire is connected. Yay. I see the pwm now with the 10k resistor !! D15 connected: weak control signal With 10k resistor and d15 disconnected
  10. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    I tried everything I couid but I cant seem to get the control signal to appear again. I only see some high frequency signal. Oddly, this waveform is there on both RMI (Channel 1) and GND (Channel 2) wires (but not on PWR). I just realized that the difference from last time is that I have...
  11. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Please confirm if these are the steps. 1. Get control signal to show up on rmi by connecting d15 to heater. 2. Disconnect d15 and put in load resistor 3. Show photos of both.
  12. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Yes, I used a multimeter to test before the test.
  13. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Oh right, forgot to mention that. I double checked. It is 9.91Kohm
  14. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Rmi voltage is 2.5v, but no heater control pwm visible. In order to test without the resistor, I need to connect d15 back to the heater, correct?. I have only seen the trace of control signal when I connect d15 to the heater.
  15. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    I don't see any error codes from the A/C test.
  16. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    The first video here shows this Post in thread 'Charging stopped due to system malfunction'
  17. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    With this replacement connector, I ignore d15 completely and connect gnd, rmi and pwr directly to the heater pcb. Will read the error code tomorrow by doing that test.
  18. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction Are you referring to something like this, J2534 passthru? I needed to search for mini-VCI
  19. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    I cut this connector from an old PC case fan. I ran heater for 3 minutes disconnecting pump wire. No code appeared on tpd. Should I use a obd scan tool?
  20. Rakesh Suresh

    Charging stopped due to system malfunction

    Post in thread 'Charging stopped due to system malfunction'