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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. D

    Why did Toyota build Rav4 EV? Why hydrogen after 2014 ?

    Actually, all the early Gen1 RAV4 EVs were sold as closed-end leases only to fleet customers. The last 300 or so Gen1 RAV4 EVs were available for purchase by consumers, but many more than that survived. The reason being that under pressure from what would become Plug In America, Toyota...
  2. D

    Why did Toyota build Rav4 EV? Why hydrogen after 2014 ?

    The RAV4 EV has been an endangered species since before sales even started. The deal was for 2,600 cars. Elon thought Toyota would re-up at the end of the agreement and it turns out Toyota is unlikely to do that. I think most of us knew that would be the outcome going in. It would be much...
  3. D

    Storage / Long Term Parking

    Ordered, thanks!
  4. D

    Storage / Long Term Parking

    Does anyone have a particular battery tender they'd recommend? I'd likely get one for each car.
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    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Mine came with floor mats, maybe those are the fancier all-weather mats? Also I am paying the same as your quote (pre-tax I assume) but with no down payment or first month's payment and unlimited miles. You should talk to Dianne at Carson Toyota before you commit.
  6. D

    Quotes and costs for installing a DWP 'special rate' meter

    Yes, the federal EVSE credit is gone now and the LADWP rebate has been reduced to $1000 (I believe) whereas before it was $2000. But also, the cost of an EVSE has fallen considerably since then so that helps.
  7. D

    Quotes and costs for installing a DWP 'special rate' meter

    This is no longer completely true. You don't need a separate meter to qualify for the rebate, only for the EV charging discount. Here's the info from their FAQ guide:
  8. D

    Quotes and costs for installing a DWP 'special rate' meter

    I have a second meter for EV charging since I was the 7th person to apply under LADWP's EVSE program (mid-2011). Back then, LADWP required the second meter to qualify for the full rebate - which is no longer the case. Based on that, I would second everything Joe said. Also, for a reference...
  9. D

    Music Fades In and Out from Radio

    I've seen this setting to choose SD only, HD only, or both (default). I think in Sound when listening to FM but poke around. It's there somewhere.
  10. D

    What do you pay for insurance? We pay $2683 per year!

    A controlled comparison has some value, i.e. my statement of my LEAF costing less than my RAV4 to insure. All other factors were the same (address, age, credit, driving history, etc) so this data could be useful. It's helpful to get a rough idea of what other people pay, even if there are a...
  11. D

    What do you pay for insurance? We pay $2683 per year!

    My Farmer's rate actually went down by about $10/mo when I switched from the LEAF to the RAV4. I'd definitely shop around for a different company.
  12. D

    Music Fades In and Out from Radio

    Just adding to the comments that it is the HD radio signal coming in and out. I notice this over the Cahuenga Pass when listening to KCRW. Seems like cars handle this HD radio dropout differently. The Focus maintains a much more consistent volume between HD and SD radio signals but does...
  13. D

    Removing low speed proximity sound

    On the LEAF I would usually use the button to disable the VSP because the sound annoyed me. Never had any issue. The Focus Electric has no VSP/VPNS capability, Ford decided not to implement one because it was not required by law. The Volt only has the courtesy triple honk thing and before...
  14. D

    BC2BC-2015 Mexico 2 Canada, Sep 13-20, 2015

    Any updates on when and how will we be able to register? Will there be an entry fee or anything like that? My GF and I are excited to participate in the entire rally in the RAV4. I'm originally from Vancouver and have done the drive from LA in various ICE cars a number of times. Have always...
  15. D

    First generation RavEV

    There's evidence of a J-spec first-gen RAV4 EV in Sweden with factory-equipped CHAdeMO port: (scroll down) Doesn't look like it's this one though. Here's another J-spec with conductive charging ports, supposedly one AC and one DC (CHAdeMO?) that...
  16. D

    ALL POSTS Charging Sounds, Buzzing when Charging, Noises

    That would make sense, however the EVSE showed the "Not Charging" light. In the LEAF or Focus the "Charging" light on the EVSE (AV EVSE-RS) would blink for cell balancing scenarios indicating there was some, although a very small amount, of power being drawn. Also, the schedule is set for...
  17. D

    ALL POSTS Charging Sounds, Buzzing when Charging, Noises

    My 2014 buzzes when it's plugged in, even if it isn't charging. I noticed this morning when I came out to the car that despite having finished charging overnight, it was still buzzing. For me, it's a consistent buzz with no variation. What's the buzz?
  18. D

    RAV4 Dislikes LEAF EVSE with EVSEUpgrade Rev 2

    I think he's referring to the GFCI functionality of the J1772 side which would stop power flow if it's in a puddle for instance. On the AC side if your extension cord connection rests in a puddle you don't necessarily have this same protection.
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    RAV4 Dislikes LEAF EVSE with EVSEUpgrade Rev 2

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one then. I'll probably keep the current arrangement for now as it seems to be working. The GF's Ford is close enough to the 30A EVSE that it can be taken from the RAV without moving cars if needed. Once this semester is over I'll have more time to properly...
  20. D

    RAV4 Dislikes LEAF EVSE with EVSEUpgrade Rev 2

    That's actually my ultimate goal, but I'd like to replace the AeroVironment EVSE-RS at the same time with a 60A capable OpenEVSE Hydra that can dynamically adjust between the two. Right now I have a 60A service in the garage split to a 40A and 20A breaker for the AV and Nissan EVSEs...