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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. G

    Turtle Mode w Full Charge on Cold Day

    I got hit with that once a few weeks back during the last Colorado cold spell... Just waited in my parking spot for 5 minutes for everything to warm up and I was fine.
  2. G

    Extended Warranty?

    So I've heard there are dealerships that sell extended warranties online at a rock bottom price (they make their money on volume). Considering the motor assembly costs 5 figures to fix (if you have the noise issue, which seems to get worse over time so it may only be a matter of time...), the...
  3. G

    "Half" a firmware update?

    So my local Toyota dealer (out of state) said they could service my Rav4 EV and do the recent firmware update. I asked if they were sure since it was probably the first Rav4 EV they had seen. They scheduled me on a special day to make sure their Master Technician was available. They took my...
  4. G

    ALL POSTS - Heater Failed - Service Bulletin TSB 0111-14

    I realize that they may not pay for "free" work under Toyota care, but won't they at least do paid work? Or are they even being told from corporate they cannot do that? I am really hoping my heater does not go... It's single digits all week. Driving home today I had to sit in the parking lot...
  5. G

    Toyota needs to stand behind their Rav4 EV

    How did they treat Rav4 EV generation 1s? What kind of warranty/service could people expect on that over the life of the car? At some point, it becomes less about getting the "free" warranty service as about getting ANY service at all... I sure hope someone will be able to fix my car for a...
  6. G

    Colorado $6,000 State Tax Rebate - Success?

    FYI the formula changed this year for Colorado though either the old formula or the new one should give you the full $6K:
  7. G

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Yeah that military rebate is great... as long as you never get stationed out of California!
  8. G

    "Oh the humanity" Rear ended on I-5

    Suck man =( Just remember if they do any paint work not to put the car in one of those temperature rooms that "bake" the paint in... It'll fry your battery.
  9. G

    Cold Weather

    So it was the first really cold day here in Colorado with high temps in the 40s... My car sat outside all day while I was at work. When I went to drive home, the regenerative braking was "unavailable" (it popped an error) when I tried to switch over to "B" and it also didn't properly kick in...
  10. G

    Lemon Law, Arbitration, Song-Beverly, Magnuson-Moss Warranty

    Best of luck Tony--court is rough but you gotta do what you gotta do. Hopefully there's still some justice in the legal system.
  11. G

    Adaptive Cruise Control?

    Exactly. I switch from "D" cruise control to "B" all the time. I've probably done it hundreds if not thousands of times... This was the one time it errored on me.
  12. G

    Adaptive Cruise Control?

    Just had this happen today--the first error message I've gotten on my Rav4 EV in 3600 miles. It happened when I was exiting the freeway and went from my Cruise Control in D and shifted down to "B". As soon as I went into B, the error message popped up and the car beeped at me. For the rest of...
  13. G

    Lemon Law, Arbitration, Song-Beverly, Magnuson-Moss Warranty

    Great news... What is the period of time you have to give it back under the Lemon Law? How did your arbitration go today?
  14. G

    When can we buy the Rav4 EV on the east coast?

    Definitely call or text Dianne. I had problems with the Colorado DMV and Dianne went into work early one day just to send me a copy of the document the local DMV wanted. She went above and beyond and it was much appreciated!!
  15. G

    Who hasn't had a battery charging problem?

    Not a SparkEV? Little longer range, little more Torque! Price is about the same... Just less space.
  16. G

    Who hasn't had a battery charging problem?

    Tony, Are you going to give your Rav4 EV back? I know a lot of us will miss your insight and your pushing the envelope of what the vehicle can do.
  17. G

    Water -- Also, battery drain from idle heating?

    Well, I got stuck in a flash flood here in Colorado on Sunday and ended up driving through 6-8" deep water for a good 10-15 minutes. I was sweating bullets the whole time but it looks like the Rav4 EV had no problems. I eventually pulled up on a central island to wait out the rain and avoided...
  18. G

    ALL POSTS-No Motor Power/Power Steering, turned off on road

    Spiffster, where in Colorado are you? Have you taken your car in for the 5000 service? If so, where did you go? I think there's about 3 or 4 of us out here in Colorado. I'm at 2500 miles with no issues yet...
  19. G

    ALL POSTS-No Motor Power/Power Steering, turned off on road

    You are the second person to report something like this--check the big long "Check EV System" thread. Fortunately both you and the other person who had a problem while driving were able to avoid any kind of serious accident. Needless to say--very scary! Really makes you think they should...
  20. G

    Convince me to buy this car over a LEAF

    Why not? It's the biggest complaint against the LEAF. Is it to get more people to sign onto their expensive battery replacement program?