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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. W

    Will Toyota Cancel the Rav4 EV before producing 2600 ?

    Below response is from my pal after I sent him a message asking Toyota's plan for complying the CARB requirements. For those who are interested in the "Tesla Inside" Rav4EV, act now before it sold out. As my pal say: it will eventually become a "collector's item". As for the service, I have...
  2. W

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Forget to say. Dont't tell any one. Press release suppose to come out soon
  3. W

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Bad news. Toyota is going to kill the Rav4EV production. Oh, let me add "rumor has it" so I am not legally liabe of my writing.
  4. W

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Hi Dianne, would you confirm below my understanding of the Before-Aug-5 lease program: $3999 at signing of contract $299+tax for 36 months 36000 miles limit for 36 mos, else $0.15/mi if over 36K miles. Leaser (we) get the $7500 federal tax credit, but no state credit All maintenance during the...
  5. W

    Home Electric Useage Monitors

    Does anyone has a power monitor device with data logging that I can borrow for a day? The idea is to see whether a PV system with battery backup (off grid) could do a 120V 12amp 8 hours of continuous charging. I live in the Bay area and can come to pick up and return.
  6. W

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    I see. Thanks all for the clarification. I never lease car before and this is an added knowledge for me. In conclusion, I should not use Toyota's lease program to attract people. I will continue to use EV $/kwh comparison strategy and range comparison among other available BEVs to show that...
  7. W

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    I will be displaying my Rav at an event this week. Please verify the following calculation as it will be used as my selling tool: 36 months Lease program which expires Aug 5, 2013 Total of 36 months lease (without tax) = $299*36 = $10,764 Down Payment for this lease program = $3,999 Toyota...
  8. W

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Sounds good!! I am wondering what kind of mod is needed in the BMS in order to get this to work. Also, the title of this thread "104 amps", but the SAE J1772 L2 spec calls for maximum of 80amp.
  9. W

    Tesla model S UMC with J1772 & JESLA(tm) conversion

    Done! Both items are being shipped to you directly (without coming to me). Now I need figure out how to get the $200+postage to you. Would you like me to mail a check or pay you via paypal or something else?
  10. W

    Tesla model S UMC with J1772 & JESLA(tm) conversion

    I have one and I love it. You get to charge your Rav at the maximum 220/240 outlets you find (which is usually 40amp max). I never regret to have one. Tony, if you are short on getting people to sign up please add me to your list. After adding me, you would only have two more to go.
  11. W

    Tesla model S UMC with J1772 & JESLA(tm) conversion

    I did get mine just the connector for $480 several months ago from the service center. I ordered it moons ago and it was on back order for a long time. When it came in, the service center called me to pick it up. They even threw in a bag for me (I guess it's to make up my wait on the UMC).
  12. W

    Minimizing Battery Capacity Losses

    I lost 4-8 miles per day pending on weather. Nop. it makes noise even without charging cable plugged in.
  13. W

    Minimizing Battery Capacity Losses

    My Rav has active cooling. It did it again last night. When I walked into my garage, it has the buzzing noise. In additions, when I started it this afternoon, the AC turned on when I powered my Rav on. I never use AC, it is very annoying the active cooling turn on my cabin AC.
  14. W

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    I am back with my Rav. I spoke to the technician and he said he didn't use any device to measure the noise. He said the noise he heard from my Rav is nothing in compare to the one (Rav4EV) brought in yesterday. He wrote on the invoice "Rd tested car at freeway speeds. No excessive trans/gear...
  15. W

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    HI BBQ, did you get your Rav's traction motor fixed? I took mine in this morning and was just told that my noise is "within normal range". Therefore, there is no plan for fixing it.
  16. W

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    I took mine in this morning for the Humming noise fixed. After they did a test drive with noise measurement, I am told that my humming noise is within the "normal range". I asked them for the noise spec of "normal range" in dB, they cannot provide it to me. I will ask my technician when I...
  17. W

    Home Electric Useage Monitors

    Hi Arnold, thanks for the link. Since it said open source, does it implies no subscription fee?
  18. W

    200 Mile Club (321.9km) & 300km Club (186.4 mile)

    Wow impressive!! 4 miles/kWh at 3900 feet climb. GO Go go Tony!
  19. W

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    No pedal vibration in the 10-15 minutes 53-55 mph drive. Only the added "base" when listening Jazz/blue music.
  20. W

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    I guess it's my turn, sigh! My #1 of 2 Rav4EV, currently has close to 9000 miles, is whining starting at 53 mph. The noise is very small but I can hear it though my daughter disagree it's the same noise as the one from Tony's video. If I am lucky enough to host Tony for his BC2BC 2013 rally...