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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. W

    Toyota next generation EV Study

    Toyota is currently gathering a list of Rav4EV drivers for their usage, concerns, and preferences to make a future proposal. If you have concerns and comments and preferences in which you would like Toyota to improve, please email your email address to Vinuth Rai <[email protected]>...
  2. W

    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Would someone tell me what is the difference between the buttons "Refresh" and "Update now"? If they are the same, which button is faster ?
  3. W

    Tesla model S UMC with J1772 & JESLA(tm) conversion

    Tony, how much is a 80Amp rated J1772 gun ?
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    100% is not necessary represented by 41.8 kWh. If you drain your battery pack to turtle, you may see closed to 50kWh electrons fed.
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Hello, did you log your data manually or can it be retrieved online ? If it is the later, please let me know how. Thanks.
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    May I request for pulling the "remaining charge time" from Entune server to display in RavCharge, please? Thank you.
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Thanks all for repeating what you have discussed in the past postings. I am sorry that I missed reading that. I thought I have caught up with my 10 weeks of mails and blogs and forums, etc. etc... Apparently not. Thanks again.
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Umm, I just completed an extended charge (100%), Why does RavCharge told me that I have 35kWh in my battery pack?
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    Home Electric Useage Monitors

    All looks good except it doesn't tell me how much is the system and whether there is a charge if I host my own data on my sever. Thanks for the pointer, it is fascinating to learn such system also monitor gas. I don't have gas but it is good for others.
  10. W

    Clipper Creek TS70 worth it or overkill?

    According to my email exchange with PG&E Electric Vehicle (PEV) program Principal Project Manager, Ulric Kwan, Customer Energy Solutions, Emerging Markets and Technologies, 245 Market Street, Room 380B, Mail Code N3F, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-973-6686 (Office), 415-264-8539 (Mobile)...
  11. W

    Clipper Creek TS70 worth it or overkill?

    Oh, my comment is based on the assumption that a 40Amp EVSE is much less expensive than the $1395 70Amp CC. In additions, I would suggest that you wire for 80Amp (i.e. 2awg wires), but use a 50Amp breaker. In the future, when you upgrade to a 80Amp EVSE all you need is to change the breaker...
  12. W

    Clipper Creek TS70 worth it or overkill?

    IMHO, if the EVSE you are getting is for your Rav4EV, it would be good to get one just to serve 40Amp which is the maximum the current Rav4EV would take. If you were planning for future purchase of EV that would take the maximum of a SAE L2 charge rate, then why not wait until such time when...
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Since I have been traveling I have not seen my Rav for several months. What would be a good feature is to allow the Rav to listen to both commands if one only want to charge to 50% SOC (or any SOC != 80% && != 100% ). Of course, this feature is only useful if departure time can be set via...
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Thanks for the speedy respond. Here's another question: If the Rav is at 10% SOC and standard charge (80%) is set, the charge time undoubtedly will be more than couple of hours (even at full speed 240V*40Amp). What would happen if the departure time is set to two hours after the RavCharge's...
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    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Sorry, I've been out of country back packing for last last couple of months. I am back in Hong Kong catching up emails and threads. Would some one tell me how you could plug in the Rav4 and tells it not to charge and wait for RavCharge's command?
  16. W

    PG&E Rates - Solar E-6 vs EV-A

    Too bad we don't have CCA in my area. I made way too much power (even with 3 EVs) but am only getting 3+ cents per kWh back.
  17. W

    Check EV System warning message

    Tony Tony, who to blame for the radio operating mechanism? Just like my Model S, there is not an OFF button to turn off the radio. I have tried pressing the HOME button which turns off EVERYTHING, and by pressing "mode" button on the steering wheel to mute. But both won't just turn the radio off.
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    PG&E Rates - Solar E-6 vs EV-A

    If you open the windows at night and close the windows in the morning, your house would be cool during the day (that's if your house is well insulated) This way, you will never have to turn on AC unless the night time outside air is "HOT" (during heat wave).
  19. W

    PG&E Rates - Solar E-6 vs EV-A

    Dear Dsinned: No, you don't get $157.29. PG&E looks at your total KWh produced during the year. If your kWh is negative, you get money. For example, at your turn-up period, you have -500kWh (meaning you gave PG&E 500kWh after your used), then they will pay you approximately $0.03/kWh to...
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    Will Toyota Cancel the Rav4 EV before producing 2600 ?

    You guys can blame it on me. I started this without a press release. BUT.. I didn't make it up.