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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. J

    trickle charge vs. 240V

    Those miles are based on your driving history, whether you have the AC or heat on, etc., and are variable. Resetting the guages probably won't change anything, although I've never tried such a thing. I haven't tried trickle charging the RAV, but I have trickle charged my Volt and Leaf...
  2. J

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    I did emphasize that, and they acknowledged knowing about the other problems, so hopefully they'll have a fix soon. I also have a Volt, and the charge timer and Blink unit have worked flawlessly on it and on the Leaf we had for 1 1/2 years.
  3. J

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    I called Toyota last week to tell them about the charge timing failure both internally and with the Blink. They escalated my issue immediately and I was contacted yesterday by a higher-level customer service person who was very apologetic about the problem and committed to getting it fixed...
  4. J

    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    The Toyota rebate does apply. It's not a rebate, per se, but applies $7,000 or $7,500 to your down payment. So we put another $6k down, making a $13k down payment, 0% for 60 mos.
  5. J

    Strangeness with blink?

    So I plugged in at 7:30 tonight, the Blink told me charge would start in 6.5 hours. Normally it would continue counting down until the charge starts, but went out to garage at 11:15 and the Blink asked me to plug in, as if it wasn't already. Opened the driver's door and voila, it recognized...
  6. J

    Strangeness with blink?

    I just called Toyota to report the issue. I think Palmermd is right, that the car is asleep due to the potential 12v battery drain. The charger is requesting the go ahead, but nobody is home. This should be an easy software update. Does Toyota do OTA updates like Tesla? He said there is...
  7. J

    Strangeness with blink?

    So this is bizarre. My scheduled charge didn't work again last night, but when I opened the driver's door to see how long it would take to charge on the dash, suddenly the charge started.
  8. J

    Strangeness with blink?

    I understand the internal timer on the RAV4 not working, but I find this issue very strange. Something in Toyota's software apparently doesn't like the nozzle being plugged without starting a charge, as I've had no issues with immediate charges.
  9. J

    Strangeness with blink?

    I've been testing my Blink unit with the RAV and had the same thing happen. I previously mentioned that I bought a Leviton unit, but returned the unit after exchanging about 20 emails with Ecotality and talked to one of their engineers. I've been religiously checking my inlet temps and I've...
  10. J

    So is the Rav4 EV a 2012 or a 2013... or both?

    There will only be 2,600 made, all the same 2012 body style, so whether they brand it another year, it won't matter much. There are no options, so all 2,600 will be exactly the same except for the three exterior colors.
  11. J

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I'm looking to replace my gas HW heater with a heat pump model. Anyone have experience or suggestions? No room for a solar unit, so that's out.
  12. J

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    It's really gratifying to see the stats and know you are doing a small part to change the way we produce energy. The microinverters are even better (or worse, ha), since you can track each panel.
  13. J

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Congrats! Happy solar motoring!
  14. J

    $7500 Cash Rebate - 2/5 - 3/4 ! ! !

    Huge thanks for posting this. I just got a call from my dealer saying they had to rewrite the contract since they were unable to pay my local taxes and put it in the loan. I wrote and asked if that meant I could take advantage of the extra subvention cash, and the answer was yes. I've had a...
  15. J

    Charger Advice

    I didn't buy the kit, since I already have a receptacle in place from my Blink unit. Glad to hear it isn't absolutely necessary, but I plan to call tomorrow and see if they would throw the hanger in for free.
  16. J

    Spare Tire Thread; all spare tire posts here

    I looked into this. Found rear door with spare at junkyard near LA, I think. It was the cheapest one at $400. Would be worth a look if you lived nearby. I didn't call them because I want to physically have the car in my garage before ordering parts, ha.
  17. J

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    Wow, what a place and what a system! We have a RAV4 coming, but not quite here yet. We do, however, already have a solar system installed. Our system is 15.4kW, 66 Sunpower e18/230's with two Sunnyboy inverters, grid-tied. We overproduced enough for a second electric car, so we will soon...