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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. J

    Making the leap to an EV - persuasive info

    I would absolutely buy another one. In fact, had I known about the giant discounts I wouldn't have leased our Volt and would have bought two of them, and we are out of state. You are in state, so don't bother with the used one. We had the Leaf, and range anxiety was a real issue for us, but I...
  2. J

    Driving in B mode

    Driving in B is lame compared to driving the Volt's L mode, which is truly 1-pedal driving and sort of fun. Acceleration is normal, but regen is turned up to 11! The only bad part of this setup is that the brake lights don't turn on, and they really should. I look forward to all EV's having...
  3. J

    How to buy a Battery after 8 Year and 100,000 miles warranty

    I want to figure out a way to pull the pack in a few years and upgrade to some higher capacity cells. With enough Teslas on the road in 8 years I think aftermarket folks will start to get in the game, especially as the actual batteries are readily available. I would love to eke out another 100...
  4. J

    Engadget Expand talk w/executive PM of Rav4 EV

    Does he mention in the interview if he drives one? I was impressed when Andy Palmer told us that his only car was a Leaf.
  5. J


    No problem with insurance (State Farm). A small bit of trouble with tags, but just a matter of getting all the paperwork. Arizona cuts EV's a break on taxes when you register the car, so since the RAV EV isn't on the books here I will literally need to take it for an emissions inspection...
  6. J

    Time to complain! My list of Rav4 EV shortcomings.

    Great list, Blastphemy. My biggest beef besides the charge timing issue is the crappy interface radio interface. It's just terrible, as if they assigned an intern to design it for them. In the age of iPads and smart phones, there is absolutely no excuse for such lousy design. If they can't...
  7. J

    Pre-Owned RAV4 EV

    This is only a good deal if you don't qualify for 0% financing, want to pay cash, or don't want to wait for the government rebates. Would also be a good deal if you were out of state. Funny to see a used one already.
  8. J

    Keeping RAV 4 EV Unplugged

    They likely only charged it to 80%, since you need to push a command to force it to charge to 100%.
  9. J

    Powered by Tesla

    I'd love to have a small one for the window like you are describing, so count me in.
  10. J

    Reliability of delayed charging

    See this thread:
  11. J

    Blink just replaced my cable

    Had the third new cordset installed today, and this one appears to be on par with the original one they replaced--much cooler. I showed the service guy, who is great BTW, the photos from Ingineer of the Yazaki nozzle and the REMA, the ones he posted on MNL. I also showed him the $133 30A...
  12. J

    Map of Rav4 EV Owners

    Congrats to a fellow out-of-state owner! You'll love driving through the Hill country in this thing. Are there chargers outside of town? Good luck and enjoy.
  13. J

    Blink just replaced my cable

    UPDATE: Another cordset installed today. I'll give them this, they've been responsive. Second one works fine, but I just measure temps after about 45 minutes of charging and I'm 40 degrees above ambient, whereas the original nozzle never read more than 30 degrees above. I think the crimp on...
  14. J

    Blink just replaced my cable

    Well, this is frustrating. The new nozzle isn't working with the RAV. Works fine with the Volt, but no reaction when plugged into the RAV. Nothing, nada. I have a call in to get them back. I think they need to dump REMA and find a better nozzle and save themselves a lot of future headaches.
  15. J

    Blink just replaced my cable

    I'm still part of the EV project because of my Volt, but I think what you are asking is why would they do something since the RAV4 is not covered under the project. I'm guessing it's to avoid more bad publicity, and perhaps because having another EV regularly using one of their chargers gives...
  16. J

    Blink just replaced my cable

    While I haven't had any trouble, I got an email this morning from a tech with Blink. He said they wanted to service my unit, so I gave them a call and he asked if he could come out today, that they wanted to switch out my cable/handle because of the RAV4. He just left and I have a new cable...
  17. J

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    That's interesting about the zip code. Glad I got my discount before they changed their minds. You'd be a fool not to buy a second RAV now, Tony. That brings the price after all rebates, but before any dealer discount, to around $31k for you? Buying any other EV in southern California...
  18. J

    Couldn't shift into gear

    Perhaps this is a fluke, but I spent a harrowing minute in the parking lot of a busy shopping center this morning trying to get the RAV into gear. I've noticed it hesitates before shifting into D sometimes, but I backed up and moved the shift lever and nothing happened. Moved it around a few...
  19. J

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Fascinating about the audio file! I remember Tony commenting about the whine on his RAV, but ours is quiet enough that I've never noticed the sound, especially compared to the Leaf which I thought was a little annoying at higher speeds. I'm happy to hear Toyota took care of this for you...