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  1. J

    Melted charging pins on nozzle @home on 30A Schneider chargr

    I wouldn't charge it any more on this setup. Use the Safety Connect button and call Toyota immediately, have them give you a loaner while they figure out what happened.
  2. J

    Minimizing Battery Capacity Losses

    Despite it being terribly inefficient, I keep the RAV plugged into the L1 charger from the time it rolls in the garage at night until it leaves in the morning, as my garage temps are consistently in the 100-110 range. It does activate the TMS with L1, but I don't even want to know how much...
  3. J

    Check EV System warning message

    30 days!?! I hope they made your car payment for the month. I've never heard of a car being in the shop that long. Glad they got to the bottom of the problem, though, and thanks for posting the info.
  4. J

    Hit piece?

    Do EV's have problems? Sure, but no comparison of EV's vs ICE's is complete without placing hundreds of thousands of lives lost, economies disabled, environments damaged, and trillions spent to fight wars for oil into the ICE column. While current battery tech is not great for the environment...
  5. J


    We had an absolutely horrible experience with Nissan and he Leaf, but instead of dumping the car for a gas burner, we doubled down, buying a Volt and a RAV. The Leaf was a great drive, but just didn't pack the range we needed and couldn't stand up to Phoenix summers. I love the driving...
  6. J

    Big temperature effect on range / efficiency??

    This is anecdotal, not scientific, but my range in PHX with A/C on Eco Lo at the start of an 80% charge reads 103 mi in >110 degree temps. It's basing that number on our not-so-efficient driving style, although we are neither leadfoots or hypermilers. I've found the GOM to be pretty accurate...
  7. J

    Blink EVSE blows out a pin on the Rav4 connector

    Yikes! Make sure to call Blink ASAP.
  8. J


    I find the S to be very easy to spot, but that's me. See lots of them in Phoenix, but only one RAV4 EV:)
  9. J

    Anyone in Phoenix?

    Let me know if you'd like to test drive mine. I'd be happy to take you for a spin. I think it's too early to tell what effect the heat will have on their batteries, but there are several Tesla Roadster drivers in the valley who have been driving them for a good while. Camelback Toyota said...
  10. J

    Installing Two 40 amp EVSEs? A word of Warning

    I met a guy at the Nissan Leaf meeting back in January who has a Model S and a Roadster in his garage, so can't imagine what he's pulling from the wall if both cars are charging. After reading this post I did check with APS to see if they have any special requests for EV drivers. There was...
  11. J

    First service including a charging system update

    I'm guessing you are right, Dsinned, that Toyota doesn't care too much. It's not likely they will build another Tesla-powered car and are probably more interested in perfecting their own EV system than spending more dollars on this money pit. Not enough people connect the RAV4 to Tesla, so...
  12. J

    Sport Mode & AC on Range Issue.

    The GOM, or guess-o-meter, is just that. Tony's told him he coiuld go 205 miles, but obviously that ain't happening unless he can go downhill 200 miles into Mexico. Do some actual range tests if you are concerned.
  13. J

    EVSE J1772 Compatibility Thread for RAV4 EV

    I plugged my 2013 Volt EVSE into the RAV for the first time today and it works fine. I noticed it was already on the clear list, but wanted to add another confirmation. I'm trying to decide whether to charge the RAV as much as possible during the summer with 110, as my garage temps have...
  14. J

    EV+PV - Who Has It?

    I'm near the end of my first year of production, and if the sun stays out for the next few days I'll hit 28,000kWh. That's about 3,500 more than they estimated, so I'm ecstatic. I'll try to post some pics one of these days.
  15. J

    An almost-buyer, have a few questions

    I think your commute might be a bit long to charge from 110. That would be around 17kWh you would be refilling every night. I'm not sure that's possible in 13 or 14 hours. You might be able to charge up completely on the weekend, then keep recharging as much as possible the rest of the week...
  16. J

    Check EV System warning message

    I suggest you guys demand a performance model motor with full output, a small price for your trouble:)
  17. J

    Air Conditioning in 100 degree temps

    Good to know. Thank you, Tony.
  18. J

    My RAV4 EV Buying Adventure

    Welcome and congratulations. Buying the RAV4 has been an adventure for a lot of us, but yours sounds pretty crazy. Enjoy.
  19. J

    Air Conditioning in 100 degree temps

    No pre-cooling. I had such a terrible time using that functionality on the Leaf that I guess I trained myself not to bother. In fact, for the last 6 months we owned the Leaf, Carwings didn't even work for us.
  20. J

    Air Conditioning in 100 degree temps

    So it's not even May, but temps are already soaring above 100 here in Phoenix. I was wondering how the AC would fare, and the answer is that it's keeping up nicely, and I've only used ECO Lo so far. The car sat in the sun for about 2 hours this afternoon and it was 103, I got in and left in on...