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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. D

    Leasing a new Rav EV, Should I refuse to sign this form?

    That's the main problem I see with their "approved EVSEs" is that they haven't actually given us a list of them. All we have is that old (and obviously obsolete) press release hosted by a third party. There was no document sent to owners, or sticker for the manual, or even TSB available on...
  2. D

    problem with entune/pandora and BT phone conversation

    Yeah. Sounds like Entune is not processing the pause command correctly. You may have better luck running the stock OS or updating to a newer nightly of Cyanogenmod, but I wouldn't count on that fixing it either.
  3. D

    problem with entune/pandora and BT phone conversation

    I haven't experienced this with the RAV4 although I use Spotify or Podcast Addict on Android L developer preview as a source for BT audio rather than Entune. When I had my LEAF and used Cyanogenmod (with ICS) I did experience this sort of issue once or twice and I believe it was caused by...
  4. D

    Leasing a new Rav EV, Should I refuse to sign this form?

    They don't specify the percentage of the EVSE that is made by Leviton must be 100%. My OpenEVSE was made with many Leviton parts. :lol:
  5. D

    What are PG&E electricity prices for RV parks?

    When we did the Utah trip we paid flat rates at all the RV parks. Most RV park managers or desk staff don't really want to get in to per/kWh pricing or anything, especially since they are usually unfamiliar with the specific power needs of an EV. Most parks do have meters on the power posts...
  6. D

    Homelink modification. Always on to vehicle ready

    I have the same dashcam and I got this mount that allows you to clamp on to the rear view mirror hinge: It's a tight fit but I think the end result is way better than the bulky suction cup. I'd...
  7. D

    Leasing a new Rav EV, Should I refuse to sign this form?

    Can't hurt to try! Worst case you just have to send that one later.
  8. D

    Leasing a new Rav EV, Should I refuse to sign this form?

    If you can get away with it yes, but good luck.
  9. D

    Map of Rav4 EV Owners

    Me too. Not sure why...
  10. D

    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Huzzah! My charging pattern has just changed to adapt to my new semester which started today. As such I will indeed be making much use of this new Ravcharge feature. It's easier to park the RAV4 in my garage on the side with the 20A/240V circuit (OpenEVSE set to 16A) in the interest of...
  11. D

    Center Console mi/kWh meter

    Hit that "Trip Information" button. That's the screen I use. The Past Record screen is indeed completely useless, with the exception of being the only place you can find that "Update" button.
  12. D

    Center Console mi/kWh meter

    The split screen is a duplicate of the Home -> EV -> Efficiency thing. I use the split screen version and have to go to the main efficiency page and push "Update" on the Consumption tab to reset the mi/kwh average on the Efficiency tab then go back to the map that has the energy split screen...
  13. D

    Alright, Im ready to buy or take over lease your Rav4 EV

    Students are generally an exception to the requirement for local licensing. A student can keep their vehicle licensed in their home state. Perhaps there's a single-unit class you're interested in at a local community college (this would get you a valid student ID if you are ever questioned)...
  14. D

    Use of a Tesla Model S HPWC with the RAV4 EV?

    I'm actually less curious about a RAV4 using this, as making an adapter is fraught with challenges. I'm curious, from a technical standpoint, what a non-SuperCharger Model S does connected to a SuperCharger. Part of the promise of Tesla's connector (and to a lesser extent, Frankenplug/CCS)...
  15. D

    Use of a Tesla Model S HPWC with the RAV4 EV?

    This makes me curious - what happens when you plug a Non-SuperCharger Model S into a SuperCharger? Does it at least give you AC flow and act like a regular HPWC or does it just sit? When I was driving in Utah and happened upon a Tesla Supercharger I recall that there were no regular HPWCs (or...
  16. D

    Solar Panel Discussion

    Maybe there's a PG&E factor there? They're known to be fairly hostile to solar. SolarCity still offers leases, PPAs, and purchases according to their website.
  17. D

    Solar Panel Discussion

    I had this line of thinking originally, too, but after numerous quotes from installers both for purchase and lease, SolarCity's 20 year lease paid up front was the most cost effective. Maybe it's because I'm in LADWP territory, but the simple fact is that my SolarCity leased system was the best...
  18. D

    Rav4EV sighting

    Yep! I actually saw the street view car from a ways back so made a point to get to it and tuck in behind it for fun. This was in the end of May I believe and the last time I checked (about a month ago) they hadn't been uploaded. So it clearly takes about 2-3 months from capture to publishing...
  19. D

    Head rest modification - maybe?

    Heated seats, passenger airbag sensor, and seat-mounted side airbags. This is a bad idea. Don't do it.
  20. D

    Rav4EV sighting

    I found myself! :lol:,-118.472875,3a,75y,203.09h,72t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sK5PmA_FhPERQQmEso1Kgqg!2e0!6m1!1e1