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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. D

    Smart key only works 60% of the time

    I've noticed this too, although my 2007 Prius with SKS was much more consistent than the RAV4 is. Location of the car makes no difference, it can do it at home or out and about. It works better if I face the left side of my body (I put the key in my left pocket) towards the door. I can only...
  2. D

    EVs Blamed for California Road Deterioration

    Agreed. The location data is one thing, but it wouldn't be hard to spoof GPS in this application and abuse the system. The problem is that if you use odometer readings, then those who drive out of state will be taxed...
  3. D

    EVs Blamed for California Road Deterioration

    Yes, but a carbon tax will destroy the economy, jobs, and won't somebody please think of the children?!!?!?!?! Oh wait...
  4. D

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Just got back from Carson where they checked my car and said the hum is within spec. Apparently Toyota is aware of the issue, and they said they're hoping for a proper fix soon (not holding my breathe). Another RAV4 EV was there in front of me for the same thing and they gave him the same...
  5. D

    New Chinese relay, check this out!

    When I bought mine I noticed that they apply that same model/part number to single and dual pole units as well as those of varying voltage. It's easy to order the wrong thing, so I'd imagine just as easy for them to ship the wrong thing to you.
  6. D

    SoCal EV Meet Up Saturday, June 27, 8am - 11am, Santa Ana

    It was a really fun little get together yesterday. Thanks, Tony for demoing the JdeMO and explaining all the odds and ends. Really awesome stuff! Sorry I had to take off before the QC finished, but luckily the family emergency turned out to be a false alarm at the end of the day.
  7. D

    What do you own as a backup vehicle?

    Get a first generation Honda Insight with a bum battery for cheap and get JeremyW to tell you how to bring it back to life.
  8. D

    Open Source CHAdeMO inlet for Rav4 EV?

    What does a CHAdeMO unit cost these days with installation? Then how do you work out maintenance, repair, and consumables (electricity) into this cost? This makes sense for Tesla Superchargers because it sells more cars and doesn't need to be sustainably funded - but a crowd-sourced network...
  9. D

    SoCal EV Meet Up Saturday, June 27, 8am - 11am, Santa Ana

    Just need to photoshop the pitchforks and rolling pins out for CHAdeMO pistols! :lol:
  10. D

    Seat Heater on with no indicator?

    Going from the LEAF to the RAV, the RAV does feel warmer to me (very unscientifically). I think it's partly due to the fabric of the seats and also the size of the cabin which takes more time to cool down. Plus, there is more glass which exacerbates the greenhouse effect.
  11. D

    RAV EV suspension

    Not sure about our second generation models, but the first generation RAV4 EV had a bespoke suspension to support the added weight of the battery pack. Pretty common for conversion cars. The Ranger EV, Civic GX, and I think the Escape Hybrid had different suspensions than their ICE equivalents.
  12. D

    Car enthusiasts on this forum?

    I learned to drive on a 1997 BMW Z3 and a 2001 Jaguar XJ8-L and have been an avid Top Gear fan for ages. My fairly unexciting car history has been... 2005 Hyundai Elantra GT Hatchback 2007 Toyota Prius Touring 2011 Nissan LEAF SL 2014 Toyota RAV4 EV I've always liked little sports cars like...
  13. D

    Owners list and their vins

    Thanks! More charts to come soon. Going to do charts for the common problem fields. Also working on a form for supplying updates. To come later this week.
  14. D

    Rav EV arrives at midnight, just in time for a road trip

    There're two 100A Sun Country EVSEs in Hamilton.
  15. D

    Rav EV arrives at midnight, just in time for a road trip

    One last place to check is under the back seats - there's a ton of room under there (I store my heatshields there) and it could have slid in there. It's wishful thinking, you probably checked there, and it's probably sitting on a counter somewhere at the dealership, but I am persistent! Oh...
  16. D

    Rav EV arrives at midnight, just in time for a road trip

    Did you check both lower rear compartments? The big aft one is where you found your mats, but there is a smaller fore compartment with a pull tab close to the back of the rear seats. I store my 120V EVSE and medkit in that compartment.
  17. D

    Owners list and their vins

    Additionally, if you aren't comfortable with adding a row yourself, you can now use this form: Rav4 EV Owners List - NEW ENTRY The form isn't instant, but we will integrate responses into the list shortly after you submit.
  18. D

    Jesla or Leviton EVB40-PST

    EVI became Clipper Creek, hence the similarities in appearance and CS-** model numbering. This wouldn't be any more useful on a Model S than any other 50A capable EVSE, even if you could get two inlets on a Tesla (you can't), as it'd only supply a combined total of 50A.
  19. D

    The last new Rav4 EV, #3538?

    Great photos! Seems like the rail yard workers were hamming it up a bit. It's hard for me to estimate how many EVs are there, what's your guess?
  20. D

    problem with entune/pandora and BT phone conversation

    No problem! Happy to help. I'll try to see if I can duplicate your problem using Android L, though I might not get the chance to do it right away. Will let you know.