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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. 4

    Best generator to charge Rav EV?

    A range extender for a LEAF was done a long time ago with a capstone. Not only can it charge the LEAF stationary at 30kw but it can run it at freeway speeds.
  2. 4

    Best generator to charge Rav EV?

    I wish people would stop talking about generators for use on an EV and buy the appropriate vehicle to suite their needs.
  3. 4

    Took the Rav to the Dragstrip.

    Note, the RAV has much more power at 100% charge. The power starts to drop even at higher SOC levels.
  4. 4

    Tesla Announced Roadster 3.0 Upgrade: 70 kWh Battery

    Tesla could care less about RAV owners a this point. It's a Toyota product not a Tesla product or even a co-branded product.
  5. 4

    Tesla Announced Roadster 3.0 Upgrade: 70 kWh Battery

    My guess is Tesla wants to wash their hands of the RAV as soon as they can along with Toyota. There is no good reason for them to make a pack upgrade for such a limited production car. They are in business to make money and any replacement pack for limited numbers would be extremely expensive.
  6. 4

    Sport Mode

    My guess is the power reduction is a factor of the smaller pack size and nothing else. The car already has more power than traction on the stock tires. If the car were RWD it could have more power and the FWD config is like already maxed out for the stock components.
  7. 4

    Ants in my EVSE?!?

    The AV units are pretty sealed up. I doubt that is the issue. Are all three lights on the car flashing at the same time?
  8. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    I am now sold on the Ecopias. The handling and traction is vastly improved as well as side stability. With limited range testing I already suspect I may have even better range than the stocks. On sale at Costco now:) I'm keeping the stock junk for swap later.
  9. 4

    Motorized Mechanical Drive (pusher trailer)

    Rent a hybrid or other car.
  10. 4

    Digital charging display mod

    Not sure that is really useful for all the work. I know my approx charge voltage and amps and really don't find that info useful. I know if I am on 220/240 and the amp level based on the EVSE. Not sure I get the benefit.
  11. 4

    Perfect RAV4 EV Accessory.

    I don't think you will regret not getting this:)
  12. 4

    CHAdeMO port in Toyota Mirai fuel-cell car's trunk

    It is not about consumption, it's about peak inrush loads like when the compressor first comes on. This set up is only for basic devices and can't do the same job a comparable generator of the same output is capable.
  13. 4

    CHAdeMO port in Toyota Mirai fuel-cell car's trunk

    That is mostly useless as it is not going to power a refrigerator or any devices that have surge loads, it's designed for basic low current loads not powering much else. Sure if you need to use a laptop under full sun. The 1500 watt max rating is also for only certain types of devices so it is...
  14. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    Bought the Ecopia Duelers, much better traction, handling, ride, quieter and based on what I'm seeing may even improve range. Far better tire by a good margin. I think this is going to be the only no-compromise tire for the RAV in range/performance.
  15. 4

    RAV4 goes into B-mode by itself?

    There is no difference except it allows more power and more regen, range would only be increased if you stop shorter or use the stronger regen on hills that would be wasted to brake heat. The is no regen while "coasting" in D or B, if you are getting regen you are not coasting and not at the...
  16. 4

    RAV4 EV's replacement? (Tesla Model X)

    Sure if you bought two RAVe EVs at full price.
  17. 4

    Sport Mode

    What motorcycles do you have that can't outperform a RAV EV? Honda Trail 90? :lol: