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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. 4

    Trailer range extender

    It's not ingenious, no it has been done before. In an ideal world this would cost $20K plus. This would never be a marketable solution because if it were made to pass emissions it would be too costly and no company could offer it at price anyone would pay due to the liability costs alone.
  2. 4

    Trailer range extender

    Dirty, inefficient, unsafe,.......
  3. 4

    RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

    It is a software update, they use "repair" as legal jargon to indicate it is a fix or "repair" for the issue. The car has no mechanical neutral of any kind to replace or repair nor are they swapping drive systems for a software update. The ECU is in the traction pack.
  4. 4

    Buy Back Dreams

    It was a third party rumor, this thread will likely further the rumor. I did hear they are going to give everyone a check for $500 for the inconvenience of bringing the car in for service.
  5. 4

    RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

    They will update the software and be done with it.
  6. 4

    RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

    So there is an issue in the ECU in the motor as Tesla has controls in the traction system and they can't seem to fix it via an update only? If this is the case it would likely impact Teslas as well assuming the same native electronics in the drive. I don't see Toyota doing a buyback of all the...
  7. 4

    Non-functioning Level 1 EVSE for sale

    It's more involved then that and not worth the money and effort.
  8. 4

    RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

    Great, they will update the software and create new worse issue :lol:
  9. 4

    Non-functioning Level 1 EVSE for sale

    Plus a power supply, relays, etc. and a lot of work and all for a low level unit.
  10. 4

    Rav4 EV - AM Radio with poor reception

    What is AM radio? :lol:
  11. 4

    Non-functioning Level 1 EVSE for sale

    There is nothing in there worth even $40 really, even working it's barely worth $100. Your best bet is to try an dump it on ebay. Repairing it would cost too much and take too much time and for a L1 unit it makes no sense.
  12. 4

    Goodbye, So long and Good Luck

    I heard some old EV folk lore that if you secretly pine over gas guzzling ICE vehicles your EV will retaliate on you. :lol:
  13. 4

    Looking for solutions from experienced owners

    Start timers are pointless if you charge on 240V, setting the end timer only is better for many reasons and unless you get up at 5am then it will keep you in off-peak times and have the battery warmer when you leave in the winter. Even on an EV like a LEAF with a start timer there is really no...
  14. 4

    Trailer range extender

    I'm not sure why people can't let go of generators and trailers, they make no sense economically and otherwise. As stated year after year long before the LEAF was even a concept, it is better to buy the correct EV or vehicle and not adapt it. How many times will this be a new great idea only to...
  15. 4

    37k Miles, Anyone had a bad ball joint

    This sounds like my noise but I can't source an issue. It is a little better now but still there.
  16. 4

    37k Miles, Anyone had a bad ball joint

    I'm getting this now in the last month and it is there every time. Noise from front left axle area.
  17. 4

    What is my RAV4 EV telling others?

    It's an EV, how many times do you open the hood? I have once and I likely will never open mine unless someone asks and even then it's not like I'm dropping the pack. Seems like an odd place to spend money and time on the car.
  18. 4

    Cruise Control System died

    Mine has never worked. LOL
  19. 4

    Do you plan to buy out your RAV at the end of the lease?

    Computer generated vapor wear is available today. That likely won't be available any time soon and if it is the cost will be prohibitive for anything well made and safe.