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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. 4

    Tesla Trumps Toyota: The Seven Reasons Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ca

    Toyota gets benefits from developing fuel cell vehicles, they also get the benefit of making it look like they have no interest in EVs. If EVs make money and are a viable offering Toyota will have a fleet. Does anyone believe that they have just abandoned large format traction packs and EV...
  2. 4

    Tesla Trumps Toyota: The Seven Reasons Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ca

    No because they don't. I am commenting on the statement about Toyota backing away from Tesla regarding EVs. It seems you are not familiar with the history of this partnership and why it was actually done VS the PR smoke an mirrors version. The quote implies they are backing away from something...
  3. 4

    Tesla Trumps Toyota: The Seven Reasons Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ca

    The propaganda Toyota spews about not wanting to ever be in the EV market and about why they partnered with Tesla. The media and general public still buy into this. The Tesla partnership was all about taking care of issues for both parties, it was never about Toyota needing help from Tesla to...
  4. 4

    Tesla Trumps Toyota: The Seven Reasons Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ca

    Toyota backing away from Tesla regarding an EV partnership has nothing to do with anything other than their back patting deal is over. Toyota requires no EV learnings or tech from Tesla. Total utter propaganda nonsense that is working in Toyotas favor.
  5. 4

    Fuel cost comparison: Hydrogen vs Prius vs RAV4 EV & Rav4 ga

    Don't forget to add the cost of an extended warranty for the RAV or the cost of ownership after year 3 could double the cost of the car :shock:
  6. 4

    Trailer range extender

    What? This is not the first push trailer? Shocking :lol: Now I thought it was the birthplace of a new revolution that was going to eventually lead to the modern revolution of push trailers. There must be all sorts of cut up cars back to a model T. :D
  7. 4

    Constant Extended Charging

    Trash it or auction it if the dealer does not want it. There is NO liability to owners on the lease for degradation no matter how they charge and I don't see why people are mentioning the warranty as it applies to defects and cell issues not a guarantee of capacity, it's irrelevant to charging.
  8. 4

    Constant Extended Charging

    There is no capacity warranty and you will never see Tesla offering pack swaps for your car ever. Nothing is going to trickle down to the RAV.
  9. 4

    Constant Extended Charging

    I charged my LEAF to 100% every time for 3 years but I never left it there at 100%, never had any degradation worth even mentioning, no range loss at all. The biggest factor is leaving the car at 100% and also leaving it there when hot. Others in hot climates that never charged past 80% have...
  10. 4

    Trailer range extender

    Who would want to when other people have made more advanced push trailers long ago, why use something that is more primitive than what has already been done before as a starting point to move forward? Nothing personal but based on your comments I honestly don't think you have a sense or...
  11. 4

    Trailer range extender

    It's been done over and over. Just like the more advanced push trailers that have been done before and beaten to death on old EV discussion lists and forums. Even pocket generators that slide into trailer hitches. Speaking of old stuff, Tom who's company's motor/inverter design was the platform...
  12. 4

    Trailer range extender

    I welcome innovation I just find it funny how some defend things that are very unsafe and justify the use in public or think this is really innovative or brilliant. Folks this is a primitive and unsafe design, there are people that have done this the same way before and have done it much safer...
  13. 4

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    There are people here on the forum that have, perhaps they can tell you how. I have spoken to at least 3 in the Bay Area but I don't know them personally. I think the dealership may play a role in your outcome as it seems some are easier to deal with. If it was bad I would do arbitration.
  14. 4

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Mine is about the same in N but it is not bad yet.
  15. 4

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Mechanical neutral means the shaft would not spin, a moving shaft can make noise because it is under load in neutral but not as much. I know of many people that have had replacements with no issue getting it done.
  16. 4

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    An EV does not have a mechanical neutral and what damages are you going to sue for if they are doing replacements?
  17. 4

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    The one component of an EV that has about 3 moving parts and traditionally has been the most reliable part of EVs has now become one of the high failure rates thanks to Tesla. Pretty ironic.
  18. 4

    Trailer range extender

    I find it hard to believe they knew how it was actually being used, if they did I'm glad I don't live in that state. So you know this as a fact that that Sheriff know the motor was pushing the car and the throttle was fixed on? Or was this approved a s motor on a trailer. Sounds like lots of...
  19. 4

    Trailer range extender

    I believe the definition of trailer does not include a motor that pushes a vehicle in an unsafe manner.
  20. 4

    Trailer range extender

    It's a copy, people have made these years ago for conversion EVs, it's not a new idea or implementation. In fact safer more advanced models have been done. Because something works it does not make it safe nor does it justify its use on a pubic highway because it "got the job done". This is...