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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. 4

    Update the NAVI with European maps

    I assume you own it so I would sell it. No way would I want to deal with RAV issues in Europe. Personally I think it's insane to take one to Europe as one issue could leave you with a 4000 LB paper weight. Feel free to convert to Kilos.
  2. 4

    Rav4 EV for sale, POST HERE ONLY

    You may want to mention a city.
  3. 4

    Why did Toyota build Rav4 EV? Why hydrogen after 2014 ?

    Toyota- Pulling off the best smoke and mirrors trick since the surprise release of the Prius. The more they distract the more time they work on a long-term EV solution.
  4. 4

    Grey interior cloth seats with random discoloration spots.

    You all should document this with pictures just in case.
  5. 4

    more (technical) info about the Mirai

    Excess cooling would mean wasted heat and efficiency. It would also be limited to a local car for many because of fueling. I think Toyota made this ugly on purpose.
  6. 4

    Why is this forum down so often?

    The LEAF forum is HORRIBLE now!
  7. 4


    Toyota knew and knows all of that. They did not get where they are by being ignorant and stupid, their decisions are based on their present business needs and strategy not ignorance of EVs. Toyota has everyone drinking the cool aid.
  8. 4

    Petition to Costco to install chargers

    Too bad Costco cards don't have RFID or some way to authenticate to the EVSE, this would help quite a bit.
  9. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    The factory tires have no traction, they are almost a joke compared to anything, except blocks of ice.
  10. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    Doing comparisons on hill climbs is not very accurate. The only way to really get accurate numbers in a RAV is controlled testing in the same conditions at a constant speed on flat ground over repeated tests on both tires. If you did many runs like this with consistent numbers before and after...
  11. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    I have that tire on my truck and I'm really surprised you are putting it on the RAV, the sidewalls are also very wide. My guess is you take a decent hit on efficiency and it remains there. It's not alway evident on the RAV, because it is less granular than say a LEAF.
  12. 4

    Car won't charge / Onboard Charger Failure

    That made me laugh:)
  13. 4

    Top Ten List of problems with RAV4 EV / Pre-purchase List

    They can't void you motor warranty for something like this. You have protection under the law.
  14. 4

    RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

    The letter was clear that is was a notice and that the procedure and resolution would follow so there is no point in calling the dealer unless you have the failure issue. A recall like this is a big process, Toyota is going to address the issue so it's moot about complaining about speed or...
  15. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    The Ecopia is not a "Prius" tire and the non-OEM version is better than the OEM version. Selecting a tire for an EV is not the same as a gas car and reviews are deceptive, if you do not care about possible significant range loss get what you like. I can tell you that I have been down this road...
  16. 4

    Rav4 EV / Mercedes B class EV Comparison

    Not sure how you compare an SUV to a Mercedes passenger car. These are very different and the only similarity is the motor and a smaller pack on the Mercedes. The drive functions the same way with just less range.
  17. 4

    Text massaging not working 2015 rav4

    This forum is for the RAV4 electric vehicles only and the 2015 RAV is not the same car as the electric version.
  18. 4

    tesla order change: no more dual chargers possible

    So few homes and locations can support 80A, even 40A is rough in many residences.
  19. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    New tires also need break in and if your old tires were worn they were spinning faster reporting higher range per mile than new tires. I run mine at 45 PSI I think. Tires with less tread also get higher efficiency.
  20. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    I believe the side wall is stiffer for the weight of an SUV and increases lateral stability.