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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. 4

    Buying a used Rav4 EV w/o a Carpool Sticker White

    The EV stickers are white not green and have different guide lines. You apply for them and get them on a used EV.
  2. 4

    Toyota's Campaign of Misinformation Against EVs

    Toyota only partnered with Tesla for a co-marketing NUMI, CARB back patting party. Toyota does not need Tesla to make a great EV or drive system in any way so if they were to partner it would simply be for name sake marketing. I can't see any good economic reason for Toyota to buy anything from...
  3. 4

    Buying new tires...anyone done this already

    My guess is the first choice you made will be the most efficient.
  4. 4

    Battery Replacement

    Toyota would not make replacement packs for the RAV in such small numbers. Nothing like replacement packs that sit and age.
  5. 4

    good move / bad move?

    Don't buy it, get a LEAF or RAV and don't look back. The idea of putting the batteries in a RAV is one you would likely regret for a long time unless you have nothing buy time.
  6. 4

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Your dealer should include them.
  7. 4

    The smallest Quick 240V from two 120V outlets?

    One of the most irresponsible and idiotic things I have ever seen from an " EV company". I expect this from people who are not engineers and ignorant to electricity but not from people who are making EVSE kits.
  8. 4

    The smallest Quick 240V from two 120V outlets?

    This should NEVER be used for getting 240V, it is an example of what one should never build and how irresponsible companies should not be making products in the EV market. They continue to sell this type of irresponsible crap and demonstrate they are a company that does not care about safety but...
  9. 4

    Blink EVSE - Should I sell it?

    They have the worst reliability of any certified product on the market regardless of the handle issue. You can call that an opinion based on numerous cases people have had not to mention the many, many people I know personally that have issues. I'm sure a simple EVSE satisfaction and reliability...
  10. 4

    Blink EVSE - Should I sell it?

    It's sarcasm but I think you missed it. Regardless of the cord replacement you are fortunate to get $500 for the Blink junk, I gave two away because I did not want someone to get stuck with a brick on the wall. Blink units are just EVSEs waiting for the next failure point.
  11. 4

    Blink EVSE - Should I sell it?

    Don't Blink, you should hold out for $700, just be sure to state "AS IS" and it may not work once it takes a UPS ride. "Handle may melt your inlet".
  12. 4

    Blink EVSE - Should I sell it?

    Take the money and run!
  13. 4

    What do you pay for insurance? We pay $2683 per year!

    I'm sure this thread will go on endlessly so here is the answer. We all pay more or less than each other. Shop many carriers, end of thread.
  14. 4

    What do you pay for insurance? We pay $2683 per year!

    As always, comparing rates between different parties is a completely pointless activity because of the countless variables. I can move 3 blocks away and pay $300 more a year on my same policy. One person may pay $500 a year and the other $4000. Pointless.
  15. 4

    Time to complain! My list of Rav4 EV shortcomings.

    I would like to see 10K of solar panels on a roof rack and some generator fans on the front grill to make extra power on the freeway, prob could get another 50 miles out of the car with that.
  16. 4

    Removing low speed proximity sound

    Like a Prius right? And other hybrids that don't have it. The issue is not a noise device because the blind can hear the car above a crawl and at a crawl people can stop if they are not asleep at the wheel. The issue is people not paying attention if you look at it scientifically. I have more...
  17. 4

    Problems with Delivery from Canada

    Are you leasing?
  18. 4

    Clipper creek portable level 2 20amp

    Some are on sale: