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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. H

    $2500 CA Rebate Approval Letter

    Just got my approved email. Yay!
  2. H

    $2500 CA Rebate Approval Letter

    I hope I get my response soon. They received my app in the mail on the 16th.
  3. H

    $2500 CA Rebate Approval Letter

    When did you mail your app?
  4. H

    Understanding PG&E E9A Electric Vehicle Electric Rates

    I saved a lot of money by running all my appliances on timers at night.
  5. H

    Anyone using schedule to charge their Rav with a Blink?

    Mine will do this with a Blink
  6. H

    Can Rav4 EV detect charger amperage

    My charging times have been off too. Let us know what you find out
  7. H

    Range Chart

    I have the leaf energy app. When will the rav4 chart be available on it? Very cool thank you
  8. H

    Member Introduction

    I thought I'd formally introduce myself. My name is Raul I'm 30 and I live in Pleasanton. I too have a blizzard white Rav4. I also own a Leaf. My home has solar on the roof. That's about it.
  9. H

    Anyone using schedule to charge their Rav with a Blink?

    Ok scheduling from the blink definitely does not work. Not that that big of a deal. Setting the departure time from the rav4 is easy enough
  10. H

    White HOV Sticker

    I'm waiting for my plates too. Take pictures. I always like to see where people place them.
  11. H

    Intelligent battery charging???

    Yes but even an upgraded leaf evse will not work with our rav4s. That is what I was told by evseupgrade. I have a leaf too and I wanted to get the rev 2 upgrade to allow 3.8kwh charging. The upgraded rav evse is what the leaf is using while I use the blink.
  12. H

    Hypermiling "bragging rights"

    I found that my braking and acceleration was costing me on the Eco score so I have adjusted my behavior accordingly. I was at 4.2 when I got to work. It will probably drop since home is back up hill.
  13. H

    Anyone using schedule to charge their Rav with a Blink?

    Tony when using your blink are you scheduling on the rav or the evse? My scheduling with the Rav has been going good. I'm going to retry scheduling from the blink tonight.
  14. H

    Using the Entune Apps

    Got it thank you.
  15. H

    Intelligent battery charging???

    I'll second the recommendation for the upgrade. I received my unit 2 days after I sent it in. I highly recommend it.
  16. H

    Anyone using schedule to charge their Rav with a Blink?

    I ordered the cs-100 but I won't get it for a little while because their supply was bought by one person last week. Clippercreek still offers an EAA discount too. Last nights blink charge went well. I'm going to try something a little different tomorrow night.
  17. H

    Using the Entune Apps

    How do you change your name on the app?
  18. H

    Hypermiling "bragging rights"

    I'm showing I'm number 1. I normally drive on roads that are 45mph or less but that last few days I've been on the freeway. No freeway normally gives me 3.8-4.2 and freeway gives me 3-3.5
  19. H

    Why are the rav4 ev owners spread out?

    The schedule can only be set to your departure time. It determines how long it will take to charge and be done by your selected time.