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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Val, I have an idea for another product that needs to be produced that will require your 20kW charger. I have plans to drive from Austin to College Station this month to see a baseball game with my father, brother, and son. It is 120 miles away. I've made this trip several times in the fall...
  2. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    I like that the RAV4EV used the AUX pack more than the main pack during its bulk discharge, thus always leaving the main pack for the bottom end where you need more accurate range estimation. I'm wondering when you bump up the AUX pack to 111 cells, if the packs will start to share more evenly...
  3. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Val, Do you normally charge each pack separately, or did you just do it this time to capture individual pack recharge capacities?
  4. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    What voltage aux pack did you use, 340VDC? If so, did you use 106 LFP 110Ah cells at 3.2V each? I only see ~72 in the picture.
  5. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    You are having too much fun Valerun! Can you also measure the current from the main pack as well? It'd be interesting to see the current sharing between the two packs. (all depends on the resistance of the two packs of course). How do the rear springs hold up? Does it look like a low...
  6. K

    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Clipper Creek has been busy. Now offering a 48A EVSE for $899. Seems small enough to be portable and has a cool rubberized handle.
  7. K

    Crashed RAV 4 EV

    They will rotate tires, it's just that you'll have to pay for it. It will not be covered under the free 24 month Toyota Care Service package that the CA vehicles enjoy.
  8. K

    ALL POSTS-No Motor Power/Power Steering, turned off on road

    Sorry to hear that. Did you try to turn off and on the car to try to clear the fault? Were you ever able to get it to go in drive again? The fuses to the power steering motor could have blown, but more than likely the gateway ECU dropped communications with the Toyota ECU. One time when my...
  9. K

    Flat repair saga

    Perhaps the tire pressure monitor sensor was damaged or not seen by the vehicle for some reason? I know the Prius had a button under the steering wheel that had to be pushed after new tires for the car to reset everything. I think the ABS uses them as sensors as well. Just a hunch.
  10. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Thanks Valery. From that information, I expect our battery is arranged in a 92S49P configuration (i.e. 92 in series, 49 in parallel; total 4508 cells). This corresponds to charging up to 4V per cell for 80% capacity (Std Charge), and 4.15V per cell (with taper) for "full capacity"...
  11. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Thanks Valery. With that information, I would assume the standard charge mode will stop charging (with no taper) when the voltage hits 368V then. Looking forward to the info.
  12. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Valerun, I assume you have captured the charging algorithm from the on board charger (i.e. max current until XXX Volts before current tapers). Can you tell me what constant voltage the on board charger hits towards the end of charge when set on Standard Charge setting? Is it 428V? What about...
  13. K

    Check EV System warning message

    mhkp, I like your enthusiasm! I had my first Check EV light at 5k and then again at 6k. However, I haven't seen it since (currently at 22k miles), so welcome to the club/tribe!
  14. K

    Tesla battery shows no sign of range loss after 20K miles

    They just tipped 90k miles. Unfortunately, I'm not going to have access to the battery cyclers next month. I'll see if I can reach 95k and then post the results to the forum. As previously mentioned, after 20k miles, the cells I'm testing lost ~4-5%. However, at the 80k mile mark, they had...
  15. K

    Crashed RAV 4 EV

    Sorry to hear that Pennsylvania RAV. Since it's still drivable, sounds like you can get everything fixed (body panels, bumper, maybe a radiator or two). The battery pack starts behind the drivetrain so I can't imagine how it would be damaged at such a low speed. Let us know how it goes...
  16. K

    How far does the turtle go?

    I've gone about 0.5 miles: conditions were slightly up hill, @~40 mph, and 35 degrees F ambient.
  17. K

    Am I stupid?

    n3ckf, great info. If you ever get that low again, please charge using the extended charge setting to see what the total input kwh would be. Also provide the ambient temperature during both the discharge and charge times. Thanks
  18. K

    Katzkin leather seat covers

    How much did it cost?
  19. K

    "Half" a firmware update?

    If Toyota offers 24 months of Free Toyota Care with each RAV4EV, why should they care if the service (i.e. rotating tires) is done out of state? That doesn't require an EV certified dealer. As for firmware upgrades, I've asked my dealer to inquire about the special Toyota/Tesla programming...
  20. K

    "Half" a firmware update?

    Do tell! Did they fix something for you?