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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. K

    Cheapest RAV4 EV Toyota Extended Warranty

    The Extended Warranty sounds fine, but I'm trying to figure out how it will mitigate risk for our specific vehicle. The Platinum (top of the line) coverage seems to cover a bunch of ICE related stuff.
  2. K


    Here is a local news link. This one has pictures.
  3. K

    MyEV, a third party EV logger and app

    I'm buying one of these loggers for my RAV4EV (from the same guys that made FleetCarma). I think it would be fun to track this kind of information. The video doesn't say they support the RAV4EV, but the text below the video says it is being finalized and will be available by Oct (release date)...
  4. K

    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Is anyone keeping a list of how many have had to be replaced? If not, I'll make one if each of you that has had motor noise problems send me the following information via PM. 1. VIN 2. Year 3. Date of Purchase 4. Mileage first noticed noise and under what conditions (speed range, power level...
  5. K

    Battery Degradation

    Mine too took about a 25% hit in the winter time. Normally I get between 95-110 miles of estimated range on Standard charge and 125-130 miles of estimated range on Extended charge. During the winter I would use extended charge so that I would continue to see >100 miles of estimated range when...
  6. K

    Battery Degradation

    I'm coming up on 30k miles after 15 months, with no observable difference in range. Since 99% of my driving is within the city, I have no way to know about my battery's degradation over the past year. Every September I drive to College Station for a football game (118 miles away). Usually when...
  7. K

    Battery Degradation

    As I've previously mentioned, I purchased some cells which I believe are the most similar to the cells in our RAV4EV to get an idea of capacity fade. It has been rumored that the cells are NCR18650 by Panasonic. This model number comes in many flavors, such as PD, A, B, D, and most recently...
  8. K

    We are number 2: How fast are those electric cars.

    Actually, even two new RAV4EVs would still be cheaper than a P85 Model S. SEMA anyone?
  9. K

    Best Charging Practice

    Hi SteveG, Welcome aboard. These questions have been answered but I'll give you the Cliff's Notes Version. Yes, charge at full power. Even at 10kW, to the battery its very slow (5 hour charge rate). Charging at slower rates does not provide any advantages. Charging happens the same way...
  10. K

    mildew smell from ventilation system

    Mine seems to be the worst when I turn off the A/C and just run the blower.
  11. K

    ALL POSTS-No Motor Power/Power Steering, turned off on road

    One would think the "12V Warning Light" would have illuminated just like when the alternator dies in an ICE car. If the voltage of the 12V aux battery drops below 13V while "ON", then it should know the DC/DC is not charging it and throw a warning well before it drops below 8V (or whatever...
  12. K

    Anyone know how to create a poll on this site?

    I'm out of state. Austin, Texas 26k miles after 13 months
  13. K

    Battery Cooling for Summer

    Why wouldn't the car prepare the battery when the pre-climate feature is selected, especially if plugged into an EVSE in the garage? It gives it 15 minutes to prep the interior as well as the battery before the user arrives.
  14. K

    Battery Cooling for Summer

    Plug it in and use RAVCharge to activate climate control everyday at 1, 3, and 5 pm.
  15. K

    RavCharge, a solution to charge timer and entune woes

    Kerry, being that low of State of Charge, the RAV4EV schedule starts before midnight for a 8am departure. So yes, your assumption is correct. Move back the dash scheduler to get out of the way and the RavCharge will start it when you want it to start.
  16. K

    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    The battery is fully protected. It is difficult to see how a previous owner could damage the battery pack. Ask for a test drive after an Extended Charge and see if it goes 100-125 miles.
  17. K

    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    When I bought mine, the dealer organized transportation from CA to TX ($800). As long as I could wait for their schedule, I didn't have to do a thing but pay the bill and be patient. It was not hard to get the car shipped. I did have to wait some additional time after that to get the...
  18. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    True, but Val's big charger is less expensive than two additional Brusas.
  19. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    Most chargers can accept DC input as well as AC input. If your 20kW charger can accept DC input, could we put 3 full wave rectifiers in the box converting each 208VAC (regardless of phase) into DC source?
  20. K

    Multiple onboard chargers

    True, I guess I was thinking of 3 EVSEs hooked up to the same rails in the breaker box. This is why I posed the idea, to judge it's practicality (usefulness) as well as technical (syncing up EVSEs that may not be on the same circuit).