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  1. C

    Toyota Sunnyvale Quoted $5600 to fix Charging Malfunction

    Before you do anything I say call your insurance company and ask what your options are in terms of the SHOPS you can take your RAV4 EV to. If the insurance company says you can take it to TONY'S REPAIR SHOP I say take it to tony. He will be able to install a new? or used? charger with the...
  2. C

    Tony Test gave me 2 numbers: 92 then 138

    Where exactly did I mess up? Was it just the negative connection only? Or is the other issue that I did not leave it unplugged over night? In the tony test thread someone mentioned the unplugged it only for about 2 hours and got a number and didn't seem to get any negative feedback in the thread.
  3. C

    Tony Test gave me 2 numbers: 92 then 138

    4) Disconnect all 3 of the 12 volt battery negative cables, and leave it that way overnight. So we are only disconnecting the negative cables and not the positive? I can't charge at home so I will always have to drive about 1.2 miles back after extended charge. The rest I did seems to be...
  4. C

    Tony Test gave me 2 numbers: 92 then 138

    Hello, I just hit 50,000 miles on my 2014 rav4 ev and decided to tony test it. I charged to extended range then drove back home 1.2 miles at low residential speeds. I parked @ home then unplugged the 12v. 2 hours later I come back and replug the 12v. Pressed the brake pedal and pushed start...
  5. C

    Navigation Screen is Dead -Cost to Replace $5,820 DISCOUNTED

    Sorry to hear about your issues with the unit. It would come down to how technical you are to replace the unit yourself. If you can do it yourself it would be cheaper. You could try finding a unit online on ebay like they said. Another option would be a junk yard, but you'd have to be able to...
  6. C

    just found out today that R over 8mph is instant N

    I normally use regular N but at times i wish it were instant with out wait. Well turns out going to r at speed becomes instant N. Kind of nice to go in to N with out wait. I also wish the rav4 ev had some setting to do this auto.
  7. C


    You can also rent a mailbox online and buy and send the extended warranty theree w detrich. I used anytime mail box i believe.
  8. C

    Howl Noise when turning right?

    Hey thanks for replying :) I just had the left CV joint replaced because it clicked under acceleration and breaking. The HOWLING when turning doesn't happen very often. I'd say once a month. I can't change it myself or look at it because I don't have any mechanical exp. Taking it to toyota will...
  9. C

    Toyota roadside is useless

    I might be confusing things, but I thought you could still get toyota roadside service with out safety connect. Maybe I am confusing it with someone in the warranty? If you can't access the toyota roadside service with out safety connect then my mistake. I thought you could though?
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    Toyota roadside is useless

    Holy cow that's terrible talk about extremely bad customer service! Also crazy they sub contract AAA. What in the world might as well just use AAA, but well you got to pay for that one :(
  11. C

    Howl Noise when turning right?

    Well, this is the second time the rav4 ev has made this noise when I am turning the wheel. It's hard to describe but it sounds like a loud metallic howl of some sort. Seems to happen when I am turning the wheel. I turned right, I don't recall if it was in the same direction last time. It's been...
  12. C

    My RAV4 EV list of problems :P

    What don't you like about the rav? Do you have the extended warranty?
  13. C

    g48 coolant past low again traction bat

    Hi tony Thanks so inhaling the pink is ok? It was not ok with the lead acid that is for sure if i am just scared for that to happen again. Also transfering the g48 coolant from the other vessel is ok? Motor to traction battery?
  14. C

    g48 coolant past low again traction bat

    I'm going a little off topic here, but the pink coolant does it leak inside the cabin? If so, does it have any particular smell? I'm asking because last year the lead acid started to fume and the smell came into the cabin by being pulled by the cabin fan from the motor compartment and I first...
  15. C

    g48 coolant past low again traction bat

    Driver side is low the passenger is close to full. Do I need need to put in only a little to get it back to full again? Is the jug of G48 huge? How did you transfer the liquid? What did you use? I'm not sure if mine were bubble since it's been about 9 months. Seems like a long time for bubbles...
  16. C

    g48 coolant past low again traction bat

    So checked coolant and it is a little past low again. Last i saw this was last year before a van cracked my right headlight. The toyota collision center was nice enough to change the traction battery coolant and full flush. It has been about 9 months and now the coolant is a little past low...
  17. C

    Toyota roadside is useless

    You are like the 2nd or third person to have said that here. I definitely won't be canceling aaa any time soon. Good to know for the future!
  18. C

    accessory power remains on even after turning off ev / doors

    It doesn't keep the power on everytime. it seems to only do it somewhat rarely. Another thing is that window power is gone after opening and closing the doors. This one is different in that power is still running! Not sure what to think of it. It's rare that it happens but has happened.
  19. C

    accessory power remains on even after turning off ev / doors

    Well here is a new development. Accessory power remains on on all cig plugs even after ev is turned off and if I close and open the driver side door. I actually have to turn the ev back on (No full on) and let the computer load up and then off so it can shut off. Weird? Or intended? How do I...
  20. C

    Navigation Screen is Dead -Cost to Replace $5,820 DISCOUNTED

    The Navigation unit was installed. I'm looking at the info and it says Navigation vb503200 blue tooth 21.210 and the other entry is empty. The tech also confirmed that the front axle replacement was likely at about 1,000 but doesn't remember the exact figure. Oh, it looks like all my addresses...