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  1. Y

    Installing Two 40 amp EVSEs? A word of Warning

    Yeah, my RAV4 and 40A EVSE has a peak draw of at least 3 times anything else in my house, and I certainly understand that can be an unanticipated load for the utility. The problem is that their equipment wasn't protected from such a failure mode and they (if accurate) tried to blame and...
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    Installing Two 40 amp EVSEs? A word of Warning

    If I have 200 A service and I draw less than 200 A, I don't see how I would be liable for the utilities poorly designed system with an apparent lack of failsafes. :shock:
  3. Y

    Setting Charge Times

    Fooljoe beat me to it, but you do need to change your rate plan to a time-of-use (TOU) rate plan if you want cheaper charging at night. Alternatively a second meter installed just for charging the EV is also an option but has a greater upfront cost. The SCE TOU plan I am on has super off peak...
  4. Y

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    The slope of the line is .66, so just an error in the assumed voltage doesn't quite work. As you assumed in your analysis if there is also an error in the assumed/calculated current as well, that can work but based on Dsinned's data point the assumed charge rate is off by the same factor with a...
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    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    Just in case anyone is interested, here is some charging data using my CS-60. It is based on start and stop times from the entunes email so there is probably a couple of minute error in the data. As I mentioned earlier in this thread the "finishing-early" problem seems to be related to the car...
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    Stickers arrived and took 7 weeks

    I don't recall the exact dates but I think I sent my rebate form in a week before you and got my check a couple of weeks ago. You might want to give them a call.
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    Stickers arrived and took 7 weeks

    They sure did a great job. Congrats!
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    Stickers arrived and took 7 weeks

    How the *bleep* did you manage that? I bought on 3/3, got my license plate number on 3/13, sent the application in 3/14, and just got my stickers today 4/26 as well. Still haven't seen the check clear.
  9. Y

    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    Congrats gary2020! I'm sure you'll love the car. 1) A lot of us here, including myself, have had great success with the Clipper Creek CS-60 being sold by an eBay seller in SoCal. It is inexpensive and offers a charging rate as fast as...
  10. Y

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    Thanks for the additional data. I don't think that the "cell balancing" is taken into account when the car is doing a scheduled charge. In fact I've only seen my car do it once, after the one and only extended charge that I have done. Besides that time I have never see any additional power...
  11. Y

    Stickers arrived and took 7 weeks

    Thanks for keeping us updated. I sent my application in on March 14 so it looks like I have another couple of weeks to wait.
  12. Y

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    I reanalyzed the data realizing/assuming that for a 6am departure time the car would try to finish 20 minutes early. In this case the over estimation of charge time is independent of charge time and the car consistently over estimates the charge time by 2/3. Would be curious how this varies...
  13. Y

    ALL POSTS about Charge Timer Failure

    I see the same thing. I have a timed departure set for 6 am and usually leave at 5:45-5:50am. Charging usually stops at 5 am or earlier depending on how much charge was left (see below). At 5 am I get both a charging complete email and see my household power draw drop to nominal. When I...
  14. Y

    Climate control + range

    I noticed the same issue in an attempt at trying to use fan only, with the GoM reducing the estimated range by 10% regardless of having the AC on or off. While I haven't paid too much attention after the first few days of driving my RAV4 and don't know if it improves its estimate with usage, I...
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    Dec 2014 sales Rav4 EV - "37" Production Ended Aug 2014

    While I agree that Toyota is not committing itself to the EV market and the RAV4 has been preordained to be a compliance car, I think I disagree with some of the above posts (edit: RecActVeh & Spiffster posted as I was writing this and I very much agree with their statements). I love my RAV4 EV...
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    $17,500 off by 1 Dec 2014, Production Ended August 2014

    I'm imagining a Rube Goldberg machine involving bowling balls and dominoes that eventually hits the charge now button on my cell phone ;)
  17. Y

    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Thanks for the advice, guys!
  18. Y

    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Thanks Mike. No I'm not having it inspected, so I don't have to do things by the book. I did install a 60A breaker so I want to make sure the wire can handle 60A. I guess I could switch the breaker out to 50A to make myself feel better. For my own edification I want to understand why people...
  19. Y

    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Thanks. It seems like >60 A would be fine with #6 THHN wire or am I missing something? Just making sure my garage is not going to burst into flames :oops:
  20. Y

    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Just curious, I tried to research it and everything seemed to suggest #6 copper is good up to 65A. Can you point me to something that says I should have #4. Thanks!