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Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. D

    Blink EVSE blows out a pin on the Rav4 connector

    "Here's the bad pin in the blink handle": I'm certified to inspect this type of crimp at Boeing 777 QA production. It is reject-able on many levels. The conductor strand insertion is obvious and serious. The sharp edge on the lower side is called flashing. A small sharp edge is ok, but this...
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    2012 Rav4 EV cut in half

    I agree, WOW. It is bigger than I thought. There is a lot to look at in those photos. I see the obvious, coolant lines in and out, bushing and support, and a small connector. Is that a temp sensor? Where are the high voltage leads? Are they internal from inverter to motor?, or are they on the...
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    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    This is the first time I've read it being described as "felt", not just "heard" :( My Sunday afternoon 2 beer analysis left out harmonics as a possible cause. But if you can feel it, scratch that one. Tony... When your dealer is done with the parts change, could you see what the labor hours...
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    ALL POSTS - motor whine or "HUM" (Milling Sound)

    Ok just listened to it twice... Thanks for recording that. I'm sure I'll listen to it many more times in the future if/when the need arises. Good to have it documented. Root Cause. That's the question. I learned from your video that the motor assembly and gear box assembly are all one assembly...
  5. D

    Rav4 EV exported to Canada?

    It'll never work! Canadian electrons are incompatible with US batteries. They orbit the nucleus the wrong way, have different shape and size, and have accents. :P Seriously, it's a shame a Canadian built car isn't available in Canada. But the Rav4 EV isn't the greatest Canadian product ever...
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    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    Yes... That would be me. I would be happy too. It should arrive later this week. I will contact you soon. :D
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    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    Yes... Dianne sold two this week, one to myself, and one to a co-worker. Both to Washington State. ;)
  8. D

    EV adventures

    Very exciting trips SeattleRav4... Thanks For those who live down south in the sunshine, up here in the N.W., the simple phrase "head over the pass" is not a trivial thing. Check out these pictures This is Snoqualimie Pass AV level 3 charge tower, next to the level 2, which is buried under 4...
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    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    Great, Thanks Tony. Follow up question, I know local codes take priority, but generally, would a 60 amp sub panel be required on a 200 amp service panel, or is it acceptable to have the 60 amp breaker within the main panel? The EVSE is only 24 inches from the main. Assume other household loads...
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    Buying Clipper Creek CS-60 as a group

    I'm in! Just so I understand, the -60 model uses a 60 amp breaker, but will never drawn more than 40 amps on the Rav4 EV?... 9.6 or so at the onboard charger? In other words... This evse should have a easy time charging the car at the max rate? is this where I go convince the significant other...
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    Rav4EV sighting

    It is odd to me that I have one being delivered, yet I have never seen one in the wild, or on a dealer lot. It does reinforce the power of these forums and all of your comments, and YouTube reviews. In a week or two I can say "Oh... so that's what a Rav4 Ev looks like in real life" as it's...
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    Map of Rav4 EV Owners

    Make that 6 out-of-staters. My map addition has been submitted. And it appears I am the farthest north. Paperwork signed, awaiting delivery.
  13. D

    Blink just replaced my cable

    That is completely unacceptable. When my RAV4 arrives, I will not be allowing blink into my garage if that is their plan. Thanks for the heads up. But... I will be keeping a close eye on the handle. I don't need my own "gory pictures" of fried contacts. Long term I look forward to the 9.6 Kw...
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    Very good info SeattleRav 4, thanks. I will be dealing with our Wa. state dept of licensing very soon if all goes according to plan.
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    New owner with charging questions.

    So my 2011 Leaf EVSE, modded by EVSEupgrade to 16 A, will not work on the RAV 4? Never mind... I found the answer in a different post. Bummer :cry:
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    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    Thanks Penn RAV, I agree with you on all points. Today I went out one last time to look at the Cmax Energi, and the 2013 Leaf. I was unimpressed. I'm going to sleep on it, but as it stands now I will buy tomorrow. I have yet to find a negative review of the RAV4 EV. Wish me luck :)
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    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    Just a follow up, I spoke to Dianne. Very helpful. My learning curve of Toyota's lease business model vs Nissan's lease business model was a bit awkward. Reading between the lines, I now know Toyota doesn't like to just come out and say "We aren't going to give all the $7500 tax credit money if...
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    Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

    Great thread, I've been considering a second Leaf purchase, but it appears an out of state Rav 4 EV is doable. I'm going to call Dianne in L.A. and chat. I'm in Washington state so the sales tax exemption is important. I need to research that some more. Aside from not having a DC3 capability...