is there a quick guide to using one of these now that i have one? (what software do i need, where do i hook it up, what do i have to do with the vehicle to make it talk to it etc.)?
How do i get one of those? I dont have any issues with my Rav4EV right now (in fact i might sell it becuase im not using it as much as i used to) but id like to have the cable to look around anyway and in case something happens.
i got my windshield replaced at a local glass company here in Jackson, CA about a year ago. They just had to order the glass a few days ahead but it was no problem getting it or getting it done. So *thats* not an issue apparently. Heaters, i have no idea about.
on my 2013, i think the charge inlet actually wears a bit over use because i can no longer charge it with the original charger that came with the car *except* when i connect a JLONG to the car and then connect the charger to the JLONG cable. That works perfectly. Also a new Tesla charger i...
Years ago, shortly after i bought my 2013, i talked to one of the engineers of the car (a Toyota guy) at a display of this car at Maker Faire in the Bay Area. (San Mateo i think). He said that they tested it for extreme heat in Death Valley and that was the only time he got the cooling system...
the last time i tried QC at the EVGO i use in Folsom, the same thing happened. That was about 9 months ago though and i haven't actually been able to test it since then. (the way i use the car now, its rare that i need to charge away from home).
the most i charge at with that cord is 32A ever and 90% of the time im using the "slow" 110v charger with this car. (my Tesla uses the higher speed charger) but thanks for the caution...
yes the GOM is wildly influenced by the last few drives youve had. Mine can read 60 at full scale or 85 depending on how ive driven the previous couple of times.
I had this exact problem -the rav4ev started not charging from public chargers and also from the evse that came with it. Interestingly it always charged from my Siemens evse at my house. I eventually solved the problem by buying a Jlong cable (which I needed for another reason) and found it...
This isnt particularly early. Ive probably only used JDEMO about 30-40 times on my vehicle. If you look at laptop batteries (same chemistry) they ALSO degrade somewhat similarly (actualy the Tesla batteries degrade less because of the cooling system). Also: at some point, Extended range...
ive noticed that my original battery (101k miles, in a 2013) has quite similar numbers, i think the last time i did a tony test it was right around 100 miles too. overall thats decent performance for an 11 yr old battery and 100k) the newer chemistries do better, im expecting under 20%...