Recent content by GeorgeBent32

Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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  1. G

    Unfortunately for sale

    I got the Audi Q4 etron. Very comfortable car. Although I am finding their UI software is a bit immature. I found a bug and they have a new patch coming that I have to the car back to the dealer for them to update it. But the ride is great...
  2. G

    Unfortunately for sale

    Thank you for the suggestion. The car is not inoperable though. There is still about 40 miles of charge in the car it's just that I cannot increase that. Turns out I was shopping for a new car now at year end and at the end I asked about trade-in on this car. I think the dealer wanted to close...
  3. G

    Unfortunately for sale

    I have a blue RAV4 that has been a super car for years. Think I have had it for about 8 years and I am the second owner. Has run great until recently when it appears that my baby has developed the charging problem so well detailed by dfergenson and alflash in the repair section. Looks like a...